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About Gypsy

  • Birthday 12/04/1985

Previous Fields

  • Occupation
    teacher- until I can get a job as an EMT

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  • Location
    Tampa, Florida
  • Interests
    Well I'm sure this list will change once I get a job in the field but here we go: weaving, anime conventions, Renaissance Faires, Soceity for Creative Anachronism ( SCA), middle eastren dancing, and learning. Ya I think that's the bulk of it. I'm currently a preschool teacher. I just took my NREMT exam and passed it! Just waiting to get my paperwork in so I can do job hunting.

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About Me

Lets see what to say. I'm 23 years old and happily married to a wonderful man. It's thanks to him that I was able to go to school and finish it. I'm into historical recreation, anime, conventions ( yes I'm a total geek), middle eastren dancing, and martial arts. Ever since I was alittle girl I told my mom I wanted to work in medicine. The specialty would change every so often but it was always something that would put me in a hospital. I know how odd for a child not to jump around the job possiblities.

When I got out of high school I graduated from a First Responder program. It was then when it clicked what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to get into emergency pediatrics but local children's hospital required the basic daycare training. That's what landed me as a preschool teacher for the last 5 years. Well after much saving we finally got me back into school. I took and passed my NREMT exam on Saturday March 21st which has me bouncing and dancing around. lol. I know I'll miss the kids horribly but it's time I moved on and reached for my goals you know?

Well I don't know what else to say. If you have any questions just ask me. I love talking to new people!

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