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SSG G-man

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Everything posted by SSG G-man

  1. I have always felt it oxymoronic for any kind of healthcare professional to be way out of shape. Not only is it bad for appearing "professional" but can also impair ability to do the job. This is why I do not smoke in public in uniform. (trying to quit again) Sarge
  2. I guess it is only an issue if some needs ALS immediate and dies from the wait. I was surprised. I guess I did not pay attention when I lived there in my teen years.
  3. I am just surprised none of the VFDs throughout the county have added EMS as a service. I guess the area I live in is not as backwards as a lot of us there think.
  4. I visited the county my Mother lives in over the Thanksgiving weekend. I am considering moving back there so I made a few inquires about the EMS system, and was scared by what I heard. The EMS system is run by the county and all ambulances stage out of the hospital. This could result in a25-30 min or longer response time to some areas of the county. I was told there are volunteer first responders throughout the county who will POV to scene to be there until ambulance arrives. I know an EMT is not much above a FR, and I am not sure if the county ambulances are all ALS or a mix of ALS/BLS, but at least there is more equipment on the ambulance. I am a volunteer EMT, but at least in my county when you call 911 you will get an ambulance with at least an EMT on it within a reasonable response time. Has anyone ever known of a similar system? Just curious to see what your thoughts are. Sarge
  5. Damn, that coffee through my nose hurt!!!!! =D>
  6. Do you have any affiliation with a department or organization yet? Do you know any EMT's? Get with them and have them help you. We had go hands on time in my class, but we would go nback to station later in the week and work on it more. Best of luck. Sarge
  7. Looked more like something the little rascals would have done.
  8. Mine works a little different. If I wake up in the middle of the night and decide I do not want to hit the cold floor to walk to latrine to releive the bladder, we will have a call within 5 minutes. If I get up and go, I can usually sleep the rest of the night. I now keep foot ware next to the bunk!!!
  9. Would that be posted under humor or EMS discussion?
  10. And to think when I saw the topic I thought its was going to be about having to reveive ones self while on scene. I guess my mind justs stays in the gutter, but I bet there are some good stories out there......
  11. Maybe you missed the "in the middle of the night" part. During most hours we run L&S until we hit the scene. In the middle of the night, when we get close to the scene we turn off the sirens. Helps to keep the crowd of neighbors in bathrobes from gatheringh outside. Sorry if I caused some confusion. Also, have found that lights and sirens do not clear the traffic nearly as well as a generous dose of the air horn!!
  12. I MD to be an "emergency vehicle" you have to have lights and sirens on. IF you do not, then you forfeit all benefits and perks of emergenty vehicles. And the driver is now liable for a lot more. (No passing on the shoulder, etc). Here we always go L&S toscene unless it is the middle of the night. We will still have them on main roads, but turn of the siren when we get into neighborhood. Sarge
  13. Rid, All I can say is =D> =D> =D>
  14. Well, if we want to take some of these anti-vaccine ideas a step farther, why don't we do away with medicine all together. We can lower the average life span, save on Social security, ease global warming, extend how long fossil fuels will last. IF we do not want to mess with the body to prevent disease, why should we do anything to cure it once disease appears. are we not interfering with natures plan by keeping people alive when nature was trying to cull the herd? It would seem hypocritical that someone in the medical field could be so anti-vaccine. As I said above, if you do not want to prevent, why are you in the business of treating the symptoms once they occur. It would be like being against seat belt use, or helmets for motorcycle riders, etc. Maybe I only feel this way because I had my flu vaccine and am being controlled by the pharmaceutical industry and the government.
  15. Dust, Damn, must be the lack of zzz'z lately clouding my sacasam meter. Sometimes I can not tell when you are seriously chewing a$$ or just mesing with people. I really do want to become the best EMT I can, and do plan on moving to a "P" when I can fit it in the schedule. I thought I might get it and go as a contractor to the hot sands, but with the events of Tuesday, I might not have time before we "cut and run." I am in a class now our county offers to allow some EMT's to start IVs. The thought process is we are in transition to haveing 24 hour paid ALS in the county, but most of the units now are a B-P team. IF a B can help start the IV access, then it frees up the P to be doing other ALS treatments. (I am sure you disagree with this!!) Sarge
  16. Sorry for not being registered already. I barely have time to read everything I get in the mail, and on the internet already, and still run calls. My boss does not like to see me on the NEJM website during working hours. Uncle Sam wants to get his money's worth from me. I thought I might get credit for admiting my lack of knowelge and trying to get the info, not put down because I did not already know.
  17. No, but I want my volunteer department to look into changing equipment bags. I read an article recently in JEMS or EMS or some magazine about how bad shoulder bags are and that back packs style are much better. Our Medical Response Team for our building has a few of the BlackHawk medic bags, the more expensive one, which I tried to tell them was too much for us. We did not need the bells and whistles. Do you have a link?
  18. I am realitively new, only a EMT-B, but willing to learn. Can comeone explain or give a link to this NEXUS which is being so hotly debated. I thought NEXUS was an expensive luxury car, oh wait, that LEXUS> Thanks. Sarge
  19. Where is the character map? I am not the most computer savy joe!!
  20. I have never scene horse mounted EMS. I have seen bikes. I read somewhere recent of a jurisdiction that was getting Segways for special events. Sorry to have taken the humorous route on the first reply. I just cold not resist!!
  21. I have not researched it, but was told by our instructor in here in MD, if you have something on you vehicle that shows you have the training to help and pass by and you can be tracked down, you can lose you certification for negligence. We were told it fell under "duty to act". Just my $.02(What happended to the cent sign?)
  22. I saw the topic and immediate thought of the set up for a XXX movie....
  23. Only a few promotions to go!!!!
  24. HOOAH!!
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