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SSG G-man

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Everything posted by SSG G-man

  1. Mtn Soldier: I see you mentioned the ETT's. I am trying to get on one of them. I had hoped to be going in January, but no joy. I am trying to get as much training as I can before I leave so I will be better prepared. I am even going to do some running at a station that sees alot more violent crime than mine, so I can be better prepared.
  2. MtnSoldr I have taken the new CLS. They do teach NPAs now. Needle decompression is a new one, too. They teach the use of the SKED to move pts. They do not do any live tissue or moulage, I think part of it is a time factor. No long term care taught as the intent is to quickly treat the pt and then resume combat duties once the 91W arrives.
  3. SOMEDIC "Where I operate we are know as SWAT" If one operates, does that not make one an operater? I hear the term used quitte a bit in the building where I work. I seperates those who are combat arms from the rest of the pogues.
  4. Our "O2 bag" is for everything, except Trauma. On trauma, we take the O2 bag and the trauma bag. Our O2 bag contains: Bottle w/ reg 2 Adult NRB 2 Adult NC 2 Ped NRB 2 Ped NC NPA set OPA set Pulse Ox Glucometer BVM BP cuffs(all sizes) Several Stethoscopes Some sterile sheets and trauma dressings Small sharps container Shears Glucose I think that is everything. I am doing this off the top of my head. We made some changes recently, so I may have left something out.
  5. I have been an EMT for about a year now. I have only lost one pt that I know of. Mothers Day. Pager went off for Priority 1 Subject not breathing. I can be to the station in about a minute, so I headed out, figuring there would be few hanging out on Mothers Day. We were the second arriving unit. First unit was getting ready to move pt to their ambulance. Ask for set of extra hands, so I volunteered to go. I had noticed on the way in a stack of O2 bottles on the porch. Upon entering back of the box I noticed one leg amputated below the knee. We worked the code all the way to the hospital, about a 20 minute ride. She was pronounced as soon as the hospital hooked up their monitors. I never felt all that bad. I guess the clues to other problems made it not seem as bad. I have had some calls where pt survived, but I was deeply affected. Several where I did right thing, but pt went south anyway. I have spent lots of time kicking myself over some of these!!
  6. I like boot style. Maybe it is because we are in a predominantly rural area. Maybe it is because I wear them everyday for the military and feel comfortable in them. I like an 8" boot. I have never used side zippers. The boots I currently use are military boots with lace in zippers added. I do not think they need to be like dress shoes, but if the have leather outers like combat boots, they can be shined to be worthy of wearing with a dressier uniform. I love the new boots the army is issuing made by bellvile. COMFORTABLE. These are suede, but put this sole with a leather upper and I would be a happy camper!! Sarge
  7. I am glad that from Time to time my Volunteer drpartment will measure some of the folks and get them the newest and then hand out the older stuff to the junior members. With haveing members in all size ranges, we at least can usually fit everyone reasonably well.
  8. Maybe one of the brothers or sisters North of the border could get it for you and then ship it to you. Hopefully we can trust each other with some money and merchandise, since we often have trust each other with our lives! Sarge
  9. And I can't even see the picture
  10. I knew the 4 F's for dating, but these are new to me.
  11. Hey, I used to be 11b. Forced in 42 series (Long Story). IF all this intersts you look in Combat Lifesaver Course before you deploy. I thought the standard was at least 1 per squad. A lot of the course is common sense and a lot will go against your EMT training. Going for a tourniquet early in some situations for example. PM me if you want more info. I can also tal to you about Volunteer departments.
  12. Anyone remember the episode of Emergency! that dealt with this? Two guys are friends, one thinks the other is having a heart attack so he hits the guy on the chest. Admits to having seen it on TV. Broke some ribs. While buddy is in the hospital, friends to visit. While leaning over the bed the "victim" punches him in the face, saying some thing to the effect, of it was payback from the broken ribs. I do not know what season it was from. Not season 1 or 2 I have those on DVD. Anxiously awaiting the next installment!! Sarge
  13. "as for the pants, its easy to see that the guy is a firefighter and probably not all F/F's are trained up to EMT standard's so in poor visibility it makes sense that he is easy identified, also he could be a vol or part-time thus being supplied with all the Gucci gear. " I wonder how a pair of pants that say EMT make it easy to see the guy is a firefighter? In my area lots of EMTs/ Medics where pants that pull on similar to turnout gear, just different materials. So I do not think that is an assumption you should make. Maybe the medics have the same pants with "MEDIC" on them so you know what level of training the person has. Similar to some fire Departments have rookies, regular fire fighters and officer wear different color helmets to make them stand out. I think everybody cover the other issues.
  14. It depends. The patient care area is often the box ( sweep out the box). The whole thing is the Piece, the truck, the rig, or just the unit number. Depends on the mood and what other people in the conversation use.
  15. I think I would rather have an accident where I might be flown to a truma center then one wher I will be taken by ground to a hospital a long ride away, that m ight not be able to care for me!
  16. Well, I run with a guy who is a SGT with MSP Aviation. HE is a medic on a trooper. He has stated he would rather transport some that might not need it, than to have someone die because they did not get flown to the right place in the required time. But I guess we have totally hijacked the thread now. I guess I need a banana.
  17. Damn, wish I had saved the box tops for those MRI, CT, Xray glasses so I can look at a patient who's vehicle rolled a few times and see if there are any internal problems. That would save being a better safe than sorry monkey. Damn, seems I live in a state of protocol monkey's. I guess I should forget the protocols and just wing it!
  18. The medics in the Troopers provideing substandard care? WTF!!!
  19. I am currently an EMT-B in Maryland. I thought the state exam was pretty tough. There were a lot of failures. The practical portion of the the exam served as the practical for my NR exam, which I took and passed. The EMT exam is not given by your instructor. It is given by people sent by the state. I have always heard Md was a leader in prehospital care, like having the troopers and Crowley Shock Trauma center. One of the reasons they may have been flown is MD protocols list rollovers as MOI to consider flying. A lot can be going on inside that can not immediately be seen. Better safe than sorry. I have flown persons who have self extricated, do to MOI, especially if there is ETOH. Just my $.02 (why is there no cent sign on keyboards?) Sarge
  20. I don't have any pouches set up on my vest as of yet. I have been trying to find pouches that suit my needs. So far, all I can find are those that have a bunch of useless little loops and pockets in them for wanker supplies. I need some that are just wide open for stuffing 3 or 4 Izzys into, like the Navy Corpsmen carry. The vests are MOLLE webbed, so I can hang crap anywhere on it. Once I find some good pouches, I'll post a pic of the vest. Dust, have you checked Blakhawk for pouches? They have some specific for medical, but a lot of others they could be used for that purpose. Also, Spec-Ops Brand has some stuff.
  21. Because a paid EMT or Firefighter would never want to play Rambo!! Don't know why volunteers always have to get the smack down here! Especially since this thread had nothing to do with it. Thank God they did not put cops on the list. I can just imagine all of them getting on a plane packing!
  22. We just brought Maryland State patrol to our station to discuss emergency driving and scene safety at MVAs. They said they feel the need to balance safety and keeping the road open. They will not complain if we use the squad or engine to block the road. I want as much as possible between the idiots and me when I am working on scene.
  23. Nice kit. Did they issue or did you have to go get it on your own? A SGM I worked with who had been a medic gave me his old canvas medic bag he had used in South America a long time ago. Does not have the high-speed goodies you have, but works for keeping behind the seat of my truck and has sentimental value.
  24. In my area, most of the ambulances I know of have the on board tank in the rear of the vehicle.
  25. My department we only turn on the radio after the call. I don't think it is a policy, just common sense. Can not hear any additional info from communications over the radio if its is too loud. 99% of the time its on country station. Sometimes when I am riding seat, the radio does not come on. I tend to do AAR's after most calls. Guess its just the military in me.
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