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SSG G-man

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Everything posted by SSG G-man

  1. Excuse my ignorance, what is a breakaway?
  2. Well, some police officer go there entire career and never fire their weapons other than traing. Should we take away their guns? Nope, want them to be there when we need 'em. POV's no. On every piece of emergency equipment. YES!!
  3. Worst was when I ran a working code. Lots of bruises on the shins from attempting to maintain balance while doing CPR on a "back road".
  4. hooves, what about camel toe?
  5. We have a couple of things to summon help where I am. The is the little orange "Oh, SH&#" button on the radio. Hit it and you have a hot mike for 10-15 seconds. Transmits your radio identifier also. Over rides all other communications at that time. Also, when giving your unit number if you add "r" to the end dispatch knows you are in trouble and will send the cavalry. Also, dispatch checks every 10minutes when you are on scene. No response will get the cavalry rolling, also. You still have to look out for your self until they get there, but it is nice to know you can summon help relatively easily.
  6. Ok, I mentioned this before and have not seen it addressed. Everyone keeps saying convicted Felons. You do not have to be guilty of a felony to go to prison. What I read said something to the effect of "certain classes of inmates" I did not see felon any where in the document. Where I lived in GA I saw people get put in jail for bouncing a check. Irresponsible, yes. Should it keep them from being an EMT? I have bounced checks from time to time. I bounced a crap load once when my pay got screwed up. I did not go to jail, but should it preclude me from being an EMT? I would rather a person who committed a minor offense have a way to make a living when they come out, then have them without out a skill so all the do is go back to jail because they know they will 3 hots and a cot. I think a program like this could help reduce the recidivism rate!
  7. I think the key in this is "certain classes of inmates" I do not think they are going to make rapists, murders and child molesters EMTs and send them out into the community. this may be for more of the "white collar" criminals and non-violent offenders.
  8. For some reason, I am unable to read the file provided in the link. It is my thought that the type of inmates being given training might not be felons. I wonder if they are they same type of inmates who often get the "bootcamp" options in some systems. My mother lives in GA and when she volunteered for a clothing bank they had convicts working with them a lot. They were called "trustees" because they were trusted to be "unsupervised". Does the info in the link say they Felons? Not all people i jail are murders and rapists. Sarge
  9. Nothing special onmy vehicle, its illegal in MD unless you are one of the few designated by your department. Our department currently has a policy that in our first due, we are not to stop for accidents, just call 911. I guess they figure it will be one less vehicle around when the folks from the station show up. I have not come across anything, so I have not tested the policy, unless me being a patient in an accident counts. I do carry a bag. IT is an old canvas army medic bag given to me by a SGM I worked for. He had used it on deployments in South America. Sentimental Value. Mostly has gloves, bandages, 4x4s, old fashinoned wood splints, cravts, etc. IT does have a c-collar also. I am also a Combat Lifesaver in the Army and have grabbed my bag when doing unit picncs, etc and had sprined ankles and the like. Sarge Spelling cow not available, so I apologize for any spellign errors
  10. I am a yes, but don't exactly know why! I guess that is why they call it faith. Not big on organized religion, though.
  11. "If you think, based on the dispatch description, that you need a helicopter then call for it before you even get on scene. Why? Because they'll be there sooner than if you wait until you've done your assessments. If it turns out that you don't need them then cancel them. Don't worry about calling them out and not needing them. I guarantee they don't mind. They like to fly. And it's even better when they don't have to complete the trip sheet at the end (is the whole state using E-MAIS yet?). " This is very true. One our members flys with the troopers and I think I heard him say they would rather fly someone from a scene that might not have needed to go, than to pick someone up at a hospital that should have been flown to start with. As far as I know we ar all on EMAIS. I hate it!!
  12. Mike- I am still in Maryland, and you can not put a helicopter "on hold" or "standby" you either request one or you do not. If you are trying to decide and someone else puts in the request first, you will be getting the second due helicopter. I am lucky I am in an area right between Trooper 2 and Trooper 7. One day we had two serious accidents with in 15 minutes and within a mile of each other. We used two troopers and they brought in the Eagle from the Park Police. SARGE
  13. Was that R. Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket?
  14. The Almighty line is from Braveheart I beleive. "IF you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter." Love that line!!!!
  15. Why is what Dr's and Lawyers do called practicing? After all that school shouldn't they know what they are doing?
  16. "I feel the need, the need for speed!"
  17. I hate when I am in uniform and people ignore you at first and then give you, "Oh I didn't see you! That camouflage really works!" Yeah, I never heard that one before!!
  18. First is Pretty Woman Second is from one of the Wyatt Erp Movies. Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday said it.
  19. Prdator
  20. Is it possible to have discussions in forums without the sound track?
  21. No Porn allowed. I do not know if this was in response to any kind of problem, it was the way things were when I arrived. I personally think we only have basic cable because it was too expensive with the movie channels! Also, not too many movies get watched, a lot of X-Box games. Now there is some offensive material!!
  22. We have solved this issue in two ways at my station. 1. No movie channels on the cable TV. Just basic cable. 2. We have two rooms with TVs. A group will say in one room, "we rented movie ABC, who wants to watch?" Those that choose not to, can go watch the other TV. Plus, if you are that offended by the shows, go clean the apparatus, study protocols, or read a book!!! As a boss of mine says, "too easy!" Sarge
  23. Here in MD as soon as helicopter is requested, an Engine Co is dipatched for LZ. No trouble getting roads shut down if necessary, 90% of flights done by State patrol helicopters.
  24. Yeah, if the voice overs don't stop I am going to have to limit when I visit. Can not wake the wife late at night, or disturb the coworkers during the day.
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