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EMT Headed

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About EMT Headed

  • Birthday 08/31/1967

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  1. Overheard my partner in the back ask this of a college football player being transported after a horrible career ending knee injury... "As long as we're here, can I get your autograph?" The player actually gave it to him...
  2. I've run the middle of the night toothache call. Very recently, as a matter of fact. Not an abcess, just a toothache. Nobody in the house would take him to the ER because even they knew nothing would be done for him, so he called 911. Boy, was he pissed when he was sent straight to the waiting room.
  3. "Wow, I've never seen that drug do that before".
  4. My service has the powered Strykers on every unit (about 40). LOVE them. We've had minimal problems with them, even with constant use. Stryker stair chairs have been great as well.
  5. is back after an extended absence.

  6. has some advice...don't add coworkers to your Facebook page. You'll regret it eventually.

  7. has some advice...don't add coworkers to your Facebook page. You'll regret it eventually.

  8. has some advice...don't add coworkers to your Facebook page. You'll regret it eventually.

  9. I'm all for doing away with state exams altogether & making the NR test the requirement, as it is here in GA. Much less hassle for all involved and you'd have the added benefit of being able to get quickly licensed in all 50 states if you wanted to move. Of course, it'll probably never happen.
  10. The same thing is happening here in GA. All GA services will be using E-PCR'S by 2012. We've been told the Dept. of Community Health is gonna stop printing the PCR's, not just "accidentally" run out of them, as has happened in NY.
  11. Kohlerrf, I'm not sure I understand your point. Are you suggesting that we no longer run hot when called for?
  13. I Like It Like That...Chris Kenner Do these BDU's make my butt look big?
  14. "Cracked Actors"...Foo Fighters Why should I care?
  15. That's the tube holder across his mouth, not a C collar. Man, that's one code I definitely wouldn't wanna be around.
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