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  • Location
    Kalamazoo, MI
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    RC Airplanes, Anything to do with Aviation

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  1. Dan Wheldon....I couldnt resist.
  2. Are you referring to angiotensin I or II?
  3. Final comment about this. Ditch, I agree with you. We should raise the bar, especially for medics. I wish my course was longer than a year, it would have been beneficial, instead of cramming a semesters worth of A&P, pharm, cardiology, etc into six week blocks.
  4. I agree with you that as a paramedic there should be more stringent requirements. At least two yrs on the street as a basic, and a two yr program to become a paramedic. My point about this thread becoming a hate fest, were some of the comments from other people. I got my medic education after a yr in school, and years worth of weekends away from my family. Does this make me a good/great paramedic, far from it, but don't make me out to be some vo-ed trained medic, who doesn't have any education.
  5. Wasn't the original intent of this thread to poll those who think that a two yr degree is needed to become a paramedic? Its turned into a "if you don't have any education, you are worthless" thread.
  6. And whats your reasons for your comment?
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