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EMT-B- STUDENT_miami-dade

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Everything posted by EMT-B- STUDENT_miami-dade

  1. so how can i get hired with a first responder? can i be 17? of course i would guess valid drivers license? do i need evoc?
  2. thank you for your reply. what is a first responder?
  3. you guys make it seem like im dumb or something. i ask this question because im very much interested in the medical field even more EMS. i love to help people, i don't really care about the money i just want a job that i can love and this is it. you guys make it seem like im a retard im not i get A and B in school, i passed both of my fcats my first try. i want to get my life on track. i see a lot of my friends that gradute and dont know what they are going to do with their lifes and that scares me. i understand that i might not be matrue yet, but i will be and i would like to start learning everything i can now. and to clear up my age i turn 17 in 10 days so i just put 17 becasue my birthday isnt that far away. all i wanted to know is if i could take my nremt at the age of 18 and still be in highschool. i hope this cleared up everything
  4. i understand that, but i need to know if im taking theses classes for no reason
  5. thanks for the reply, i called the department of health and yes i do need a high school, or ged. now im very worried because im taking my emt-b classes at the age of 17 and when i turn 18 i cant even take the test. i was wondering if there is anyway around this can a waiver work i really need to answer this question
  6. i will be 18 next year but i will still be in high school (starting senior year august 2010) can i take my state exam?
  7. no im attending mater academy im a 11th grader and im taking my course at a EMT school
  8. im asking because im turning 17 in 20 days
  9. can it be possible? im asking because im 16 and im a EMT-B student but i heard that you can somehow take the state exam at the age of 17 is this true? btw i live in florida
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