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Everything posted by Clarkw75

  1. Clarkw75

    One Word

  2. Clarkw75

    One Word

  3. Clarkw75

    One Word

  4. There was actually a woman that lived in my town who bought the kit to use on her ears. She fell asleep and actually caught her hair on fire. Luckily her husband came home and was able to put out the fire. She suffered pretty severe burns.
  5. I do understand that there is a long hard road ahead of me. I am just very glad to hear that it can be done. If you mean ass kissing positive by my replys. I am just letting everyone know that I appreciate their responses.
  6. Dustdevil, The rescue diving was basically a course that included how to recognize diving related sickness like decompression sickness etc., deliver oxygen, how to properly bring them to the service without endangering yourself and them, and the how to take care of someone until the EMT/Paramedics can get there. funkytomtom, Thank you for the response. I know that it was a stupid mistake but I am glad to hear that this may not completely ruin my chances with this. croaker260, Thank you. I actually have completed a lot of college classes. I have taken through calculus. I have not taken pharmacology, EKG or A/P. I will definitely look into taking those. I only have 2 things on my record: 1 speeding ticket and then now this. I am relieved to hear that, depending on the agency, this may not completely shut me out from the career. I am in the Coffee County area.
  7. Thank you. I actually used to work as an ER Clerk so I have been around some of the local Emergency Medical Personnel and know a little bit about it. Not anywhere near as much as you guys but I did learn some. Most of what we saw were not what most people would expect. I admit it I was surprised for it to not be as fast paced and crazy as what tv and movies make it out to be. Just someone fell and broke a leg or things like that. I honestly did not want anyone to walk on eggshells with their response to me. I honestly hope that I will be able to come out of this a better person and overcome this. Thank you again. I really do appreciate the answers and advice. I do have another question. I am a certified rescue scuba diver. Will that certification and the other certifications that come along with it help at all with preparing for EMT/Paramedic school?
  8. I really appreciate all of the comments. Thank you for taking your time to respond to my questions. Wrmedic82, I will definately call them and see if it will keep me from getting certified. I will try to use the search and see if I can get more answers from reading other posts about this topic. I will definately look into the EMD possibility. Dustdevil, I did not know that there was an EMT program that would only last three weeks. I am registered for one that will take 9 months to even get the first level finished. My plan is to eventually go all the way through paramedic school. I guess I may have to speed that up to right after the other certifications and do like you suggested and bide my time until things clear up years down the road. Diazepam618, I am from middle Tennessee. We are definately a small town so I think there is only 1 or 2 private companies that we have around here. Kiwimedic, I am sorry that you lost your friend to a drunk driver. Like I said though. It was a stupid decision and I am not happy with myself for making it. Once again thank you everyone.
  9. Thank you for your responses. I really appreciate it.
  10. I am not fighting the fact that I was in the wrong. I am just fighting the actual charge to try and lesson the effect on my record. I already have 2 jobs and if I have a DUI then I will not be able to drive to work or to school because of the license revocation for 1 year. I know it was a stupid thing to do. I am also not fighting that. I am not happy with myself for the dumb decision I made but I have a clean record with no other marks against me and I am just wondering how bad this is going to mess me up. Thank you for the response.
  11. Hello. I was arrested this last week for a DUI. I know stupid but it was after 6 beers over a few hours. I got caught speeding and the police officer smelled beer. I took the breathalyzer test I blew a .09. I am in the process of trying to get it reduced to reckless driving instead of the DUI. I am starting EMT school in August and I am wanting to know if you think that I will be able to become certified as an EMT after I finish the course? I would also appreciate any opinions as to whether or not you think I will be able to find a job after I finish the course? Thank you. Clark
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