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Kevin EMT

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About Kevin EMT

  • Birthday 04/15/1965

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  1. 578 downloads

    Here is another trauma study guide for you, This one is simple and straight forward.. Hope it helps, Kevin
  2. File Name: Trauma-Bleeding and Shock File Submitter: Kevin EMT File Submitted: 7 Jul 2009 File Category: Misc Files Here is another trauma study guide for you, This one is simple and straight forward.. Hope it helps, Kevin Click here to download this file
  3. 309 downloads

    Here is another of many trauma study guides coming, I hope it helps you, please let me know if these help. PM me or comment, rate or something so i know that i am not wasting time or board space....Kevin
  4. File Name: Trauma-Musuloskeletal Injuries File Submitter: Kevin EMT File Submitted: 6 Jul 2009 File Category: Misc Files Here is another of many trauma study guides coming, I hope it helps you, please let me know if these help. PM me or comment, rate or something so i know that i am not wasting time or board space....Kevin Click here to download this file
  5. I assume everyone or almost everyone here is EMS in some way, if you drive drunk you are breaking the law BOTTOM LINE. You knew the risk when you got behind the wheel, and drove anyway. Police don't have enough tools to work with as it is, without worrying about getting sued by everybody. I say give them any tool they need to protect and serve. That law is stupid. What else is stupid is that most states have laws that say that state police or any police must be able to be seen in plain site to be able to pull someone over who is driving over the speed limit! Hwo can you see them anyway flying by at 120mph. How can these people do their jobs when the law prevents them from doing so. We as EMS have many rules that make our jobs harder. Look at it through their eyes. I know I have had calls to a few MVAs where children were killed because of drunk drivers. Its not fair to people who abide by the law. I am surpised at some of the responses here, some must not be EMS. Just my opinion
  6. Congrats on the 90, see you were worried about nothing, remember that on your final. Lone Star gave the best advice, you should print that and read it before each test.. good advice Lone Star... 5 STARS!!!!
  7. Usually midterm exams are cumlative as to what was taught to you so far in the course, I would ask you instructor if it is cumlative or just what you have learned since your last test. I live in Louisiana and we have the toughest EMS classes in the country. We had many people in our class from other states as far as Alsaska. Ours was cumlative. I know that some states do not require that method of testing. Best thing is to ask your instructor or another student who has already taken the class. That should give you a better idea of what to expect from the test. Don't let your nerves get the best of you, just do the best you can. GOOD LUCK, Kevin
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