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About LittleMissEMT

  • Birthday 06/13/1984

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  1. I think they should have mandatory classes for the public every couple of months or so on what to do when you see an emergency vehicle with lights and sirens on. And also people who dont comply with the rules, the ones that honk or cutt off in front of emergency vehicles should be fined and even facve jail time! lol
  2. i think this is the worst thing i ve ever seen!
  3. I just watched this video on youtube: am i seeing things? or are people actually HONKING at the firetruck!!? I didnt see anybody slowing down or pulling to the right, one car even drove in between the two firetrucks and the ambulance! Is this how it is there?
  4. Ok i know that sometimes people who have had a lot to drink may pass out and become unconscious. But can someone tell me, in an otherwise healthy person, what exactly happens physically inside their body from the alcohol to make them loose consciousness?
  5. Ok, i am new so i feel like i need to ask and get some more opinions because i have heard many different ones so far and they contradict with each other and with what i have learned in school. When is it better to apply active cooling to a person suffering from heat exhaustion than be passive and let them cool off? Shoud you give cold fluids orally? I ve heard some people strongly recomend it (even doctors) and others - not.
  6. I used to wear one when i first started. I was afraid i was going to hurt my back. But it turned out to be a nightmare in summer time lol it was like i was walking with a heater around my waist! Terrible! So i started skipping it somedays, until i finally decided i dont really need it. As long as you lift properly using your legs and not your back muscles you will most likely be fine. Plus, you should know the limits of your own abilities, and if you have any doubts about if you can or cannot lift someone, stay safe and dont do it, make sure you get some help. So, if you really wnat to i guess you could use a back brace just for extra support, but other than that i came to the conclusion that i dont need it.
  7. What is the worst that can happen when someone has aspired vomit in their lungs?
  8. We had this patient last week who presented with dizziness and loss of balance when standing. He also began complaining of pain in his upper and lower extremities and all 4 Qs of his abdomen. En route he also began experiencing CP. He had no history of MIs or CPs prior, his EKG and VS were all normal. But he did have lung cancer and was undergoing hemotherapy which he had just finished the previous week. Could that be the cause of all his symptomps?
  9. I absolutely agree, it will deffinately be a problem if we start treating bleeding before airway.
  10. Hi all, I am new here, not sure where to start. I am an EMT, been working for about 1 year now, and i absolutely love it! I can imagine doing any other job ever! I am very exccited about my past and future experiences in the EMS field!
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