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Everything posted by subliminal

  1. Vent, my advice to you is to go and volunteer time at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. You will then have actual experience and will see that 90% of these people just want a hand out not a hand up. They have no desire to get better at all. Would you treat a patient if the patient refused to let you attend to their injuries? I sure hope not. It is the same principal if they dont want help you cant give it to them. No amount of you being there for them is going to make them open up their eyes and realize the self destructive path they are on and make them want to change.
  2. Vent perhaps you are in the wrong field, maybe you should go be a become a social worker.
  3. Im not running away, and I am on emtlife.com also. Its just pointless to argue over the internet. Neither one of us are going to change each others minds so like I said we will just agree to disagree
  4. Think its time for this thread to be locked.
  5. I digress im done with this thread and there is no point in arguing we will just have to agree to disagree vent.
  6. To put it in perspective the local taco bell here now starts people off at $9.00 an hour........
  7. No it was not my choice to be there I was there there due to financial reasons, and because of that I took steps to get myself out of that situation which didnt take long I might add. I dont mean to argue with you but it is true that the majority of people on the streets are alcholics and or drug addicts and have no desire to change. No amount of help is going to do them any good at all until they themselves get to the point to admit they have a problem and want to change. Ask any addiction recovery worker the first step to recovery is you have to admit you have a problem. All the help alot of them want from you is for you to give them money so they can buy another beer or buy their next fix. Its sad I know but all you can really do is point them in the right direction to where they can get help, the rest is up to them. Subtance abuse, mental issues or not if they dont want help you cant give it to them. By the way are you in Lee County right now? If so are you working for Lee County EMS?
  8. Coming from someone who has been on the street myself I can assure you MOST of the people on the street are there by their own choice and actions. The normal people who have a bit of bad luck and are put out on the street seek help and their situation is usually temporary, the bums and drug addicts out on the street have no desire whatsoever to change. When I was younger my dad volunteered at a homeless shelter in Lee County Florida which I was with him there quite often. So needless to say I have plenty of experience with these types of people. Its just like that old saying "You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink"
  9. Hit the nail on the head.
  10. Its been my experience that 9 times out of 10 homeless people are in the positions they are in because it is their own choice, No amount of assistance is going to help them until if and when they themselves ever decide to change. You could walk up to one and give them enough money to live off of for a few years and they would be in the exact same spot tomorrow. I have no sympathy whatsoever for those types of people. It is not our job as EMS providers to save them from themselves. Just treat them as you would any other patient
  11. So pretty much AMR is the Wal Mart of the EMS world.
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