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Everything posted by Beagle189

  1. I have refused to haul certain patients to the ER. 1= Hangnail 2= Broken finger nail ( no finger involvement) 3= person c/o stuffy nose standing 50 yards from ER door. Otherwise I have not and do not plan again to refuse a Patient.
  2. Don't forget, -If you have ever been attacked by a guardian turkeyon a medical call. -IF you know who Frank Broyles is but don't know who is V.P of the USA is.
  3. Unfortunately my back hurts after every shift. Usually it is just you and your partner lifting the cot with a 200 lb patient and sometimes 30 or more lbs of equipment on the stretcher. Sometimes there are several people around to help but you can't rely on that. Lots of times its just the 2 of you assisting a heavy elderly patient up from the floor. In my experience this is not a job for weak or "bad" backs.
  4. Amen, Brother!!
  5. I'm in the wonderful area of Northwest Arkansas,Home of the Arkansas Razorbacks! We're rednecks but educated.
  6. I search them or have PD (if present) search them for the exact reason as you experienced.
  7. DustDevil, 1) My preferred method is to begin tx at scene, stabilize, then move to ambulance, Why is because I get better results with my tx and it's the way I was taught. 2) My service has a SOP on max. scene times, 10 for Trauma, 20 for Medical, the SOP states we follow on majority of calls or document reasons why it took longer. 3) My Instructor taught us to do as I stated in #1. 4) Not everyone in my service does it the same, but all attempt to follow the 20 min time; Nor does everone in the 3 closest services to me do it the same, it is a controversy that is on-going in my area.
  8. KED's = What's your pt condition?, critical?= rapid extricate, otherwise use them even if you think it's useless, due to local protocol or whatever. I call the KED the law suit prevention device anyway.
  9. I have been in EMS for 20 yrs, started out w/ paddles and since we went to LP12 in the past few years we went to pads for safety reason. I can tell you there is nothing like getting a tingle in your hands if you defib in a roadside ditch w/ paddles. Pads are much safer and if you practice you can be just as fast w/ pads as w/ paddles
  10. Go golfing,fishing, play baseball w/ my son or wife, sometimes farming w/ my parents.
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