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Everything posted by amarant00

  1. Yeah I guess looking at it, it should seem natural to worry. I mean I guess I am worried that someone's life could be hanging in the balance of my care or something. Also when getting jobs, someone here suggested some type of companies, but I was wondering what are the possibilities of getting a job for an actual County EMS or possibly even the transportation units used by hospitals such as St. Joseph's or Emory in the Atlanta area. Also when my son was born, there was a special ambulance that came and took him to Grady Hospital in Atlanta(the doctors gave my wife a medicine that they specifically told us wouldn't harm him, yet we wake up the next morning and he is on oxygen and they tell us this same medicine wasn't allowing his lungs to operate properly.) I can't remember the name on the ambulance but I think it said something to the affect of Angel or something but my question to this is, does this type of ambulance actually require higher training than paramedic. I do know that one of the guys introduced himself to me and said he was some type of respiratory specialist but I do not recall the others titles. I think there were like 4 people actually in the hospital that day and they were wonderful people as they spoke with me as they prepared to move my son. As we arrived at Grady the respiratory guy was getting ready to go down an elevator and he actually remembered me and told me that they had already weaned him off of oxygen and it only took us 45 minutes to get to the hospital and apparently he was already finished with what he had to do. I guess this little story here makes me want to do this job although this may not be a job I would have the ability to obtain certifications in but I know how much they meant to me and I guess I am the type that would like to be that nice and concerned type of person as with my elderly grandfather, we have had many bad experiences with our local EMS. But anyways, all this is greatly appreciated. I have decided 100% that I am now going to go through with it and hopefully since my brother is starting the same program with me, we can help each other quite a bit. Its a pretty funny thing how much people think alike. I have thought of about anything for a job and began a little research and career interest quiz and skill assessments and EMT was a possibility and I started considering it. The very next day, without any communication of this to him, my brother tells me that he is applying to go into this program the next day and he didn't know the way to the college and I did. So I showed him and found myself applying as well.
  2. As far as the rural/urban shifts differing. I live in a rural area but I think in order to make any money whatsoever, I will have work in the larger towns just north of Atlanta to do well. They aren't exactly big cities but they aren't small towns either.
  3. I already asked about the severe injuries but I think if I see something really gory, I might puke. Is this a normal concern. I mean I can deal with the blood and stuff but I just think due to the nervousness of me caring or helping to care for that person might make me a little sick. I was perfectly fine during my wife's c-section and I have seen some pretty nasty burns from electricity and in the back of my mind I am almost positive that I will do fine, but I just want to know if this is something I am being a little worried about. Also the course I am planning to take, it doesn't state EMT-B or EMT-Intermediate but it makes mention of both basic and intermediate in the course description, could this be both programs combined?
  4. I am looking into, even applied to a local tech. college and thinking about the EMT program. Before I continue with this, I would like some to ask some questions before making my final decision. 1.) What is the training like? As a former worker, with a power company, we had specific first aid trainings to treat for specific power/electricity type injuries until EMS could get to our location, had about 4 hours a year of general first aid/cpr training. I also have taken a health occupations class which was supposed to prepare us for medical related classes after high school and I was the only person in my class that had perfect scores. So what I am thinking is it is going to be like all these combined and then 10x more, due to their being countless scenarios that you can come across. So I guess, what is the training/school curriculum like? 2.) What is the actual work like? Was/is it hard to come up on people who are severely injured or already passed, does it get easier the more you come across those situations? What is a normal month's schedule like, what hours/days do you work, how long are shifts? 3.) What other than going to the school do you have to do to become an EMT? Once getting EMT, can you gain employment and still work towards Paramedic, do the people you work for help arrange around that or do you have to just go for it all at one time and then get a job? I may have a few more but this is all I can think of off the top of my head.
  5. Can you direct me to a correct thread. I am looking over them and can't really decide which category my questions should go in.
  6. First off just want to say hello to everyone. I am a 22 year old(almost 23..), married to the love of my life. We have a 19 month old son. Well anyways, I came searching for a site like this. Last December, on my son's 1st birthday, I was laid off my job working for a power company. After months of putting it off, I finally have the perfect situation to go back to school. So I am seriously considering going to my local technical college to become an EMT. My brother and I have both decided that we think that we want to do, today we applied but since it is 2 months away the program is still not set in stone but I decided today that I better put the brakes on and talk to some people with actual experience and find out what it is going to be like. So hopefully the search tool will help me. Other random things about me, I enjoy many outdoors activities from hiking to hunting, baseball, football, and about any form of auto racing. Anyways, hope my experiences will be good.
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