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Everything posted by Dar_USAF-Lifeguard

  1. Jim, My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Tell her to hang in there and don't stress about the finances! I know it's hard because that seems like such a big burden. I want to give you a different resource that was not mentioned up here on the post. Go to http://www.mamasheal...tassistance.asp and look at all the patient assistance programs they have. There are many to choose from. I would think that www.freemedicinefoundation.com<BR itxtvisited="1"> would be a good place to start. Stay strong. My husband and I are praying for you both! Dar
  2. Well I plan on taking A&P as a prerequisite to get more out of the course. Were you an EMT prior to taking the course? I'm excited about taking it. I love being outdoors and with my new employer that's exactly what I'll get to do I haven't taken EMT courses but I do have a great deal of interest in EMS and I'm hoping that course will help blend that in with my love of outdoor activities.
  3. I'm so glad you're not an american. It's a shame there are so many amendments to the constitution. If our forefathers were able to come back, they would be very disappointed at all this government control.
  4. Hey Snoshoo, From what I've heard about the wilderness emt school is that it's tough. My boss was describing to me the kind of training they put him through and you're dealing with all kinds of possible scenarios out in the wilderness away from civilization. It focuses on you being in a position of providing care, and instructing others who have no training but are part of the group to help do things to help. A wilderness emt is able to set bones, and to cease cpr, but they can't pronounce them dead. My boss was telling me about one particular scenario he was tested on. Him and 2 other people had to go on a hike through the woods and had to camp out over night. Well the one guy takes off running down the hill and ends up going unconscious during the run, so of course he falls down and breaks his femer (spelling?) bone in the process. So boss had to give care to him and decided from the nature of his injuries not to move him. Well it was already getting dark at that time, so he decided to find a place to set up camp rather than 2 people carry him so close to dark and get lost, and send the girl off in the morning backtracking the trail to go get help. He would instruct her on how to do it and with using a compass. Well the next day comes along and something happened to her, but she wasn't unconscious. So my boss had to deal with providing care for both of them, and making decisions on what to do all the way out there away from civilization. He's trained in providing care out there in the wilderness without 911, and to make decisions as the "tour guide" that would be in their best interest in getting them home and to advanced medical personnel. I think it's pretty interesting. They should be sending me to that school sometime next year
  5. That's morally wrong. Who are they to make the decision without even seeing the patient? I expect people who sign up for the job to take their profession of saving people's lives very seriously. Does your employer have a procedure to follow like writing them up?
  6. Hey buddy! How's life treating ya? Man I've been busy as all get out. I got the head lifeguard position here and I've been busy trying not to strangle the teenagers who are working for me.
  7. Hey guys!!! I'm finally here!!! How are my EMS buddies? I missed you guys!
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