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Everything posted by Linuss

  1. I just had to comment on this fallacy of a post-- The law isn't even in effect yet, so there is no way in hell the past month has shown you the law is a bad one if you truly are taking the "wait and see" stance. How the heck are they "law abiding folks" if they broke the law getting in the country in the first place? Do you have a link to prove this story, or is it as anecdotal and false as it seems?
  2. That's a rather pessimistic way of viewing things... especially considering cops are found guilty plenty of times of wrong-doing. You probably missed the aired trial of the state trooper that ran into a vehicle killing someone?
  3. What cover-up? The one that the guy filing the lawsuit is claiming? Yeah, he's not biased... http://www.azcentral....mbula0925.html Cops cleared of any wrong-doing. Fluid situation, with a confirmed home invader, and the homeowner owns a gun... bad stuff was bound to happen. Does it make the homeowner being shot any better? Of course not... but no cover-up, and unless you can prove otherwise, I suggest not claiming as such.
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