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  1. I'm currently a Paramedic in Texas but am looking to make a move somewhere within the SC/NC/Tennessee/Georgia area. Anyone have any recommendations? Thanks!
  2. I'm looking for online CE, does anyone have any YouTube channels, websites, etc. in particular that they would recommend? Videos are my preferred way of leaning but I'm open to anything. FWIW I also plan on taking the FP-C eventually so anything that would be somewhat congruent with that would be appreciated. Thanks! I'll get the ball rolling. Crit care: www.emcrit.org EKGs: www.lifeinthefastlane.com
  3. I've been out of school for about 2 years and will be out in the field in a few weeks. I have no EMS experience beyond clinicals and am obviously a bit apprehensive about taking on the responsibility. Use this thread to list common pitfalls that can result in death/harm to patients. Things along the lines of giving an inferior MI w/ right side involvement nitro, overhydrating shock patients, decreasing preload as a result of overventilation during codes, etc. I may not be a 'good' Medic right out of the gate but if I can acquire the necessary experience without killing anybody I'll be content with that. Thanks!
  4. This. I failed my NREMT-P with 150 questions my first attempt. I then took the Jon Puryear's 16 hour NREMT prep course and passed it the 2nd time with less than 90 questions. It's only $60 IIRC.
  5. The copy I received is from 2008 actually, so some of the material on ACLS and the like is definitely outdated. I've been out of school for quite a while so it does have merit in the sense that it's a good review of basic material.
  6. Take it easy sport. If you would of clicked the link you referenced you would see that it consists solely of a handful of sample questions derived from the packet. As previously stated, I received a copy of the packet. /thread
  7. Exactly where in the link do you see the packet?
  8. Rambling Thoughts is the actual name of the study guide. I was able to get someone to send it to me, if anyone wants a copy PM me your e-mail. There isn't any info on Google. The original site it was hosted on shut down in 2012.
  9. Rambling Thoughts, not Random Thoughts. Sorry.
  10. Anyone have a link for it? Thanks.
  11. I have no problem conforming to patient's personal beliefs at times even if they're different from my own, but I'm not going to drop everything and take off my shoes on my way to a critical call just because it's part of someone's religious beliefs. If it comes down to respecting religious practices or patient well-being, I will choose the latter everytime.
  12. It is somewhat, but it's a free online resource so it is what it is. It at least has more education potential than your typical department SOP book.
  13. I came across this tonight and have been reviewing it for about the past hour. It seems like a pretty comprehensive assessment resource so I figured I'd pass it along. http://www.exemplaems.org/storage/EEMSPP%2009-28-10.pdf
  14. I actually completed my Paramedic program a bit ago but have yet to test out. Thanks though! YES! Someone finally understands my dilemma. From what I've heard Nancy Caroline's text is supposed to be the most 'cook book', but everything in there is presented from a "monkey see, monkey do" standpoint and it drives me up the wall. When the material is presented like that it's extremely difficult to do anything other than memorize a bunch of crap for the test that will be forgotten by next week. The Jon Puryear online prep course was good at presenting information in an informative context, but I would however like something that goes a little deeper.
  15. I know the Brady "Success for the ______" texts are already pretty well known in the EMS field, but I'm starting this thread anyway. I have a case of inattentive ADHD which makes it pretty difficult to learn. I simply can't sit down by myself and read a book in paragraph form without having to get up almost immediately, but I can however force myself to make it through bullet point style snippets of information. I picked up this book and it's the best $30 I've ever spent. Information that you need to know in a clear and precise mannor, exactly what I was looking for. I haven't used the test format yet but am currently just skimming through the answers sections. I've noticed a good bit of EMS providers suffer from ADHD, so I'm just throwing my personal experience out there for those that are in a similar situation.
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