Hi everyone. I am new to EMS, and will be starting school June 2010. It took a few weeks to decide which school to find out here in CA (Bay area) but, I think I settled on NCTI. I am 34, and finally forcing the path (wayy too many excuses before) to do what I have wanted to do for about 10 years now. I am married, have two tweens, and am ready to make this happen. I hope to be certified, and working by late next year. Right now, on papaer, my goal is to work as a Basic for about a year and a half, maybe 2, and then go to school for Paramedic. I am not in any rush as I want to do this correctly and with lots of thought and planning. I signed on here to maybe meet a few people from my area, to definitly learn from as many angles as possible about the good, bad, ugly, and rewarding of EMS. I have also heard that people who are not in EMS, esp. family do not understand a lot of what your going through. So, even as early as school, I thought it would be great to have some friends who have been there and "get it".