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    Somewhere in the Big Apple

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanx for the advice. I will definitely do that.
  2. First and foremost I would like to introduce myself. I am currently residing in NYC. I am starting school to gain my A.A.S. in Paramedics this coming September. I knew that I was always cut out to work with patients in the medical field. I also work better under pressure, which is why I choose to become a medic. Now my two biggest fears are dealing with burned victims and losing a patient. How did you deal with your first lost and how did you deal with your first burnt victim? Oh yeah did I mention I would like to apply a position with the FDNY? :roll: I know it must sound crazy for me to chose to work for them, but I always here about the abundant amount of OT, which is why I've opt to work with them. All response would be greatly appreciated.
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