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Everything posted by TysonB209

  1. good point.. makes sense
  2. our system can be a little screwy at times and it seems like we get people dumped on us that have no medical need, however somehow they end up on our gurney and off we go.. i REALLY REALLY like your style i wish our protocols were as liberal as yours sound. but our local pd refuses to take these folks because they have a medical complaint. whether its total bs or not. in the off chance that something were to happen. bye bye paramedic license.. dwayne your response is greatly appreciated. i was bigger than the patient, probably very easily could have beaten the living crap out of him. However that poses a serious threat to my employment. there was an issue like this in the past where 2 employees were canned for brawling with a patient. im just trying to find a "happy median" here where i can protect myself, my partner, and my patient, while staying out of trouble. the general agreement seems to be to get, call the 5-O and have them deal with the patient. PRECISELY!
  3. Thank you for the replies!!!! unfortunately we have no protocols for medicinal restraints or "sedation." numerous other paramedics have called out base facility and asked for it and it was denied. looking back i should have taken a rider.. however he didnt seem like he was going to give me as many issues as he did while we were on scene. i guess i just didnt expect things to head south so quickly.. the obvious answer to this question seems to be "kick his ass!!" HOWEVER! i enjoy working as a paramedic and want to continue to do so. we did try the NRBM, but he was thrashing around so much it stayed on his face for all of 3 seconds..
  4. yes and they generally do.. however we have rather short transport times so its almost pointless to stop and have them jump in.. my question is more so "how to neutralize the situation effectively w/o hurting the patient and also keeping myself safe?"
  5. hi first to introduce myself, my name is Tyson and i work in central california for american medical response. i have been employed with AMR for 4 years, 2.5 of them as an EMT and 1.5 as a paramedic. My partner and i were recently called out for a male cutting himself with broken glass. After staging for our local police department, we arrived on scene to find a young man lying on his bedroom floor with no injuries. Per family patient has not been acting himself lately and they wanted him transported for psychiatric evaluation. The patient was "less that cooperative" to say the least. We got the patient into the back of the ambulance and restrained his arms since he was already showing signs of being combative. While on our way to the hospital the patient became extremely combative, biting, spitting, kicking, screaming, etc. etc. etc. How do you deal with the patient? please no lectures on scene safety. if the patient was acting this way on scene law enforcement would have ridden in..
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