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FF_EMT7 last won the day on July 25 2010

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    AS, EMT-Paramedic

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  1. I think CPAP is definitely worth a trial, perhaps PEEP in your context. With such a disease process you are always open to issues, however I think that the use of CPAP would be worth the risk. I would definitely hold off on RSI until I have tried a less invasive route. Especially with the patient being elderly, we all know the risk of the patient never coming off the vent. I think we are all guilty of pulling the trigger on RSI a bit faster than we should in some cases, especially the elderly.
  2. It is not worth the battle with you. Clearly you are not a very educated person, judging from you atrocious grammar.
  3. Its funny you bring this up. A crew from my service a few weeks ago took this unruly driver's license plate down and gave it to PD, not 3 hours later they went to his house and issued him a ticket. From what i heard the driver was a lot like you and would not pull over and made it extremely difficult for the ambulance to proceed. PD in my area does not put up with ignorant drivers such as yourself.
  4. Why don't you just get your NR Certification? It will make your life a whole lot easier.
  5. FF_EMT7


    Welcome Fellow New Hampshire EMT!
  6. Rockingham also has the 911 contract for the city of Nashua, NH and the Town of Candia, NH; So they will not be totally out of the 911 business. Rockingham also happens to be owned by St. Joseph's Hospital in Nashua, so they are far from a small local service. All in all i was rather surprised AMR took over the contract as they are not very active in NH anymore, however i think most people knew that some big change was coming in Manchester.
  7. Solution: get your Basic. Many states have or are phasing out First Responders. If this is something you really enjoy, then i suggest you take the step to EMT-B.
  8. Wow.. That is a little bit longer than it should take to intubate a patient from my experience. If the medic didn't feel comfortable he should have just dropped a combi or king. Just my own opinion of course.
  9. Welcome to the CITY!

  10. I would definitely choose option 1. The reason is I chose that path and enjoyed it a ton! Other EMT friends of mine jumped at the paid transport services right away and hated it because they had no field action, while i was full of stories. Yes, volunteering may not be fun for all, but for me it was an amazing opportunity. It helped that i knew the area and saved me more than once, especially since not everything is on the map as we all wish it was. I got so much experience it opened up more doors for other amazing opportunities. As far as red tape goes that is pretty much everywhere. All i can say is if you do not like it, it's not the end of the world. You can try another option. That is just my experience. I am proudly still involved with the service. Good Luck!
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