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Everything posted by pinkemsprincess

  1. Sounds about right to me. I also have the added chaos of my dad's family, who is hispanic, our life is almost a constant party. lol
  2. I have this book also, it is wonderful. The best thing you can do is find people you know who have books, pick through them and find the best fit for you. Then get your hands on an ECG packet, we have one at work for new hires to do their ECG interpretation test with. I have a few from school and work, they have many different rhythms in them, and just practice. But understanding the way heart works is key, if that doesn't make sense nothing else will.
  3. That's so weird. We followed the diet really well. That came so easy, it was getting off my bum that was hard for me. Maybe I am just a really bad slack??!! lol
  4. pinkemsprincess


    I was just curious to see if anyone else is subjecting themselves to this wonderful torture?? If so, what kind of results have you had. My better half and I are about to make another attempt. We both half-a**ed it the first time and managed to each lose about 20 pounds. It was baby weight, for both of us, lol. So, just wondered, if anyone else was nuts too.
  5. This is my favorite post so far. You are all in my head...it’s awesome! Some really amazing people have shared similar statements and experiences with me. It is really helpful to keep hearing it as you go. Because I know that on more than 1 occasion I have told my coworkers how inadequate I feel trying to absorb and make some sense of all this material. However I am often redeemed mentally and emotionally when my coworkers who outrank and outcert me ask me questions. And it is not to make fun, but they genuinely feel I have an answer. Always a good feeling. Just as reading all your thoughts here is becoming. Thanks for that, now and in the future.
  6. Woo woo!! I'm intriguing. lol

  7. Dwayne, I really liked what you had to say. It goes along with what I feel most of us are thinking, yet you "said" it so eloquently. Well done. Also, thank you.
  8. Hello, from yet another fellow Texan!!
  9. the original post is something i can relate to, that makes it funny..... was tired and at work when i read it, did not realize until now it was that old of a post... sorry
  10. We have Etomidate, Succ, Vec, and Versed.
  11. I will be sure to keep an eye out! lol We have a great system in place I think. It is very versatile, which makes it very compatible for each area's specific needs. I do believe we have the best BBQ of anywhere I have been, and quite frankly as they.."the mexican food sucks north of here anyway.. " Hats....get a belt buckle instead or boots. That guy has some nice boots......
  12. all i can say is i lmao!!
  13. I am currently procrastinating on my RSI quiz for pharmacology. Yes, I am in paramedic class. I am certain my brain cells will be noted as casualties upon completion. Presently I am certified as an EMT-I, I have been for 4 years, been in EMS for 6 years this August. EMS and I have a love hate/relationship. Anyhow, that is a little about me. Feel free to stop by and say “Hi”. I make no certain promises; however I fully intend to be more involved in this little community here. Good day.
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