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Everything posted by brick

  1. Thanks for replying to my "How to get experience?" question.-Brice thanks for the reply , it helped!-B Thanks for the help, and good luck to you too!-B
  2. Im a nationally registered EMT with an EVOC certificate and have applied at a few places in Orlando and am not having much luck. does anyone know how i can get experience or get my foot in the door? Is it all about knowing the right people or persistance in applying at the same place repeatedly? What should the resume include if you dont have any patient experience? thanks -Brick
  3. thanks "4 eyes" , i will check out Polk Cty. i just found out today that in orlando you dont have to be a firefighter to be an EMT for the fire dept. fire fighting is not my goal so i will inquire at fire stations around here first. I also read a lot about volunteering first to get your foot in the door is that usually the case? thanks-Brick
  4. thanks thanks thanks
  5. hello, i noticed you are a emt-b in florida. i am a new emt-b in orlando but i havent got the job yet. i havent really applied yet and im wondering if i have to volunteer somewhere first? i dont have anyone to talk to around here so im reaching out to starangers. do you have any tips? thanks-Brick

  6. im a new emt in orlando and im looking for emt's around here to help me get started. i dont have any emt friends and i dont know the first place to start. interviews, volunteering, how do i get this ball rolling? thanks-brice
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