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EMT Zombie

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Everything posted by EMT Zombie

  1. Can anyone suggest a site where I can get sample strips to print off and put on an index card? Every site I find doesn't have all of the samples I need, or I can not copy and paste them.
  2. Thank you. The interviewer asked me if there was anything that would gross me out, or be difficult for me to handle. I stumbled and said old people, meaning old people would be harder for me to deal with, because I am so young that it would be harder for me to get them to listen to me, and to connect with them. But that answer applied to the original question may have seemed like I was saying old people grossed me out. I didn't really feel that I need to type that all out. I was just trying to share a funny experience, that got taken completely the wrong way. I am glad somebody understands what I was saying.
  3. When was I snippy? I consider myself to be a pretty smart person. It was the first real interview I've ever had. I was quite nervous. I feel like I was just being attacked by everyone for just sharing an amusing story. I don't really know where that all came from.
  4. I'll look into that. But anyway. I just had an interview yesterday with the only EMS agency I really want to work for. And I think I may have told the interviewer that old people gross me out. That isn't what I meant but the more I replay it in my head, I think that's what he got from my answer. Oh, and I forgot what the hell integrity meant, when he asked me
  5. Last year I only made around 11k at McDonalds working almost all the hours I could and that was sufficient. I can't wait till somebody finally hires me, and I can make 25 k.
  6. I hope so, that's my plan.
  7. EMT Zombie

    Head Start

    I will most likely start my Medic class next month. What do you all suggest I look at before the class start so that I am a bit more prepared? Drugs? Drug calculations? Reading an EKG?
  8. Me too. I was going crazy
  9. I'd rather take a real Medic class. But if I get a job first I won't have to pay for it. The company will. They also offer all those other classes like PHTLS and 12 lead and such. My basic class also did vehicle extrication, at a fire dept. with the jaws of like and everything. then we practiced a bunch of different extrication devices with who we were told was one of the leading experts in vehicle extrication in the nation. My Basic class was amazing. But thanks for the A&P suggestion, I will look into that.
  10. Any suggestions for online classes to take to one up all those other EMTs going for the same job?
  11. If your local hospital runs the local EMS go ask them if you can do ride alongs, or volunteer anywhere in the hospital.
  12. EMT Zombie


    I'm an idiot. Sorry. I tried that after I posted that, and found what I needed.
  13. EMT Zombie


    I need help in creating a resume to apply for an EMT position. I have no clue where to start or how to do this. None of the sites I find can specify what a good EMT resume should look like. I am sure many of you have had to do this. Help please?
  14. Thanks guys. I think I'll leave them in the car.
  15. I was just wondering if anybody knew. I always carry a pair of nitrile gloves with me eveywhere, and I am flying to california tommorow. Does anybody know what the rules are on that? Sorry if this is a dumb topic to start. But I can't find the answer I need anywhere else
  16. Wish I could have seen the scans they did. I was already back in the ambulance when the nurses showed the medic I was with.
  17. I know it says, not ride alongs. But... My first pt encounter was a 40 yo m with difficulty breathing. He had also had tuberculosis when he was younger. So I got to be fitted for an annoying Hepa mask that fogged up my glasses. We transported him to the hospital. And found out later that day, when we were back at the hospital that his heart had completely shifted to the right side of his chest. I thought that was neat. Well, not for him.
  18. Thanks guys. I will just frame it. I sent my application for licensure in to the state the other day. Hope I get my license before the 4-6 weeks it said it would take. I'm sick of McDonald's.
  19. I got my Basic patch sent to me yesterday, and in the letter I received it said that you can only wear the patch based on NREMT policies. I can't find these policies anywhere. Can anyone tell me the rules for that?
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