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Everything posted by KyleKIR
Wow that was really sad.
I love it. Props to that man. And yes, lighten up people.
I guess I was just in pain and didn't like that we had to sit there..especially because I wasn't sure what was wrong. Everything was just a random sudden onset. When I got to the ER they began tests pretty quickly. Blood, CT, etc. They administered pain med shortly after which helped a lot. The walls started moving After that I laid there and waited for some results as to what was wrong. Turned out I had an intra-abdominal abscess and Peritonitis. I was admitted for one week NPO -- which really sucked. Abscess was too small to drain and the antibiotics took care of the rest. No other complications since.
Kinda off-topic but on the topic of inserting an IV when not neccessary. I played patient about a month ago when I went to the ER via ambulance for intense stomach pain. (I'm better now). Id say my pain was 10/10. When we got in the ambulance there was a Paramedic Intern along with 2 other medics. They literally sat there for about 5 minutes with the ambulance off while this intern was putting an IV in my arm and then taking my B/P. He got the IV in after the 2nd try. I tried to tell them how much pain I was in and wanted to get to the hospital but they didn't seem to care? I mean I couldn't even walk to the ambulance. Anyways, I wasn't given pain med or anything. I assume the IV was just to have it in before I get to the ER and so that he could practice. They also questioned him about what he thought could be wrong (appendicitis, etc) which is fine..but yeah I thought the whole sitting there was inappropriate. I was in too much pain at the time to say more or complain.
It's been a couple years since I've posted that first post and I just want to say THANKS for all the replies. I'm reading some now even for the first time because I've been away from this forum for so long. 2 years ago I was interested in emergency medicine and getting an education in it. I'm a bit older now (obviously), have taken EMT-Basic and understand some things better now than I did then. Its kinda interesting too, to read back 2 years ago and look back on my thoughts and how I felt when writing that, and to see how much I've learned and changed since then.
I'd like to thank you all for listening and responding to not only my posts, but everyone else who posts here as well. I'm glad I can come here to ask questions, read other topics, or ask for advice, and get responses, which by the way are pretty helpful & inspiring to me most of the time. I've actually learned quite a bit from being here already by talking to some of you and reading different posts. I can't wait till I start my schooling to learn even more. So again, thank you all for being so helpful to us all. I appreciate it for sure. You guys also probably don't know but I look up to you all. You guys are who I hope to be someday. (with my own personality, thoughts, and all that of course) lol.. but you know.. EMT wise. I will study hard and do my best to succeed.
Is mad at Oprah for taking over Discovery Health's channel starting January. Why can't she take over Lifetime or something. Now Disc. Health has to find a new chanel, and who knows what that will be.
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I agree They need new shows as well. Like new Trauma Life in the ER or even Paramedics would be cool cause that's so old now
Here's hoping #CoEMS can maybe help that. Although TLC is talking to Ted about it, not DSCH
Thanks a lot to both of you above for your responses. I like hearing what you guys have to say, and for me I feel that talking to people would most Lillkely be my coping method. When I talked about crying I was meaning more like shedding a tear. Not break down crying. I was thinking how someone would go about controlling their emotions EMT wise while dealing with certain deaths, but you guys I think pretty much helped me understand that. I now understand that as an EMT the people on scene who may be all frantic about a death, or maybe just a bad trauma are counting on you guys to be together mentally to help a patient the best you can. They have time to focus on the injured/deceased person which can probably add to the emotions, while you guys are probably so busy trying to help someone, keep everyone calm, and do your job right that it makes sense you may block everything out and then actually reflect on things later when things are calm. Thx for the replies.
I'm just writing because I'd like to know how you guys as EMTs deal with death on the job, and in your personal lives. I was just laying here doing some thinking about death. I'll start by saying I am 20yrs. old and have never lost anyone yet in my life. (Family, friends, etc.) The reason I'm thinking about it is I was in California for 2 weeks and my last night there (last Friday) I went with a family member who was alone to put her dog to sleep. I never seen anything really besides bugs die (if that even counts), and yet I watched them kill a dog who was suffering with cancer right in front of me. Was it sad sure, I even helped her take the 40pd dog home and bury it. I didn't cry or anything, but it was sad cause she was hysterical & that dog just lost it's life. I think I hid my emotion and tried to "stay strong" which idk if that's good. Before I ask the questions I have for you guys, I also want to say I didn't even know what to say to my aunt. (lady who lost her dog) or comfort her really I kept asking "are you ok?" I mean obviously she wasn't... Though she kept saying she was. So now to my questions. How do you guys deal with deaths on the job? Do you cry on scene if someone dies? Maybe a young kid. Have you cried on scene? Are you allowed to cry or tear up anyways... on scene or in the back of the ambulance when dealing with patients? These are just some questions I have and hope you guys don't mind sharing your thoughts. And if you'd like you can talk about how you deal with deaths in your personal life if it's different than on the job. Also, I just read this book and one of the quote I read in there said: "Death is not a tragedy. It's a certainty." "indeed, there are tragic circumstances surrounding many deaths. Some die too young. Some seem totally senseless. Some deaths negatively impact the lives of many people. The circumstances of death can be quite tragic, but death itself is not tragic. It is as much a part of life as is birth." It just left me thinking. Thanks for reading.. And thanks for any time reading and responses you may have. -Kyle
@ Kate, sorry for not putting NSFW or something in the description. After I posted I rembered and tried to fix it.. But I couldn't edit my post. (if you can edit idk how.. But I tried) I'm guessing that was an awkward/embarrassing situation with the priest behind you and all. Kinda funny though I can only imagine what he may have been thinking.
o0o0 yeeah.. like those. I'd feel so much better wearing something like that.. rather than big old boots. thanks : )
I know In EMS you need some kind of footwear that protects your feet, but is there anything type of special shoe or boot that isn't "boots" if that makes sense. I'm not really the kinda guy who would be wearing boots... or even really want to.. (unless I need to).. So I'm just wondering if there is maybe like low cut boots you could wear or like an ankle type boot... something not so big.
I don't understand why some people would be offended either. In my opinion its funny, and when I saw it I thought I'd post and see if I could get some of you to laugh a little. I have heard things about people in this profession, and how they're "desensitized", and mean, and all kinda things. I don't think its all true, but I guess it depends on the person. I hope to be a happy EMT someday.. always joking & laughing..not taking things too serious. "Maturity is knowing when to be immature."
Thanks a lot guys, You've helped me understand what I was trying to figure out & what causes orthostatic hypotension. I've even learned a few things. I'll def. check out the mayo clinic and see what else I can learn.
I was just reading about Syncope (fainting) & how it is due to a temp. reduction in blood flow which causes a shortage of oxygen to the brain which leads to light headedness or a "black out" ....which I think it also said you recover pretty quickly. Sometimes I'll be laying down.. and if I get up too fast I feel light headed for a second, so I grab something to keep stable then take a deep breath and I'm fine again. (I'm sure you guys have experienced it as well) One time an only once.. have I actually blacked out from this. (I woke up one morning and jumped out of bed.. next thing you know I'm walking down my hallway and I black out) luckily my elbow broke my fall and I was alright.. I got up and laughed.. thinking "damn" well anyways my question is... is that standing up quick and feeling light headed like you're going to pass out related to Syncope? Or is it something else that causes that? I'm just curious because I've experienced this feeling quite a few times & know people who have as well. When talking about it with friends we could never say what its called or why it happens because we don't know. Now my guess is its Syncope, but I want to ask you guys first to be sure.
Not Funny! and sorry guys :/ should I delete?
Help Me Self Learn Anything EMT Related (Read)
KyleKIR replied to KyleKIR's topic in Education and Training
Thanks again to all of you for the replies. I will start looking more into A&P learning how the body works and what certain parts do. I'm sure a lot of this knowledge comes with time and years of learning, so I'm not going to try and cram everything in and just "know it all" right now.. but learn the basics and go from there. Pretty much do what you guys say like this "You should start with the human body, its parts, where they're located and what they do. Then you can focus on HOW they do what they do (ie: how does the air we breathe in get to the cells of our feet?)" Anyways I found this guy "Mr. Ford" on youtube. He teaches online A&P through videos & he seems like a really good teacher (for trying to teach us online) I watched this video about the body cavities through him. Here it is if you guys want to check it out. Not that you need it or anything, but just in case there is someone else reading who may. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6DdhZzOSFk&feature=related I may pay his little $50.00 fee to take a whole online A&P class through his site (which you should be able to find in the description of his vids if you want to see).. think it'd be worth it? -
Help Me Self Learn Anything EMT Related (Read)
KyleKIR replied to KyleKIR's topic in Education and Training
You're right Mobey.. I prob. have too many questions and should just take a class and I will soon. I will stop asking take your advice along with everyone else's and just read about the human body. I was prob. dumb for asking half those questions because really... I just googled them after this post and pretty much just got the answers I was looking for so sorry. Oh and I know the difference between veins and arteries cause I googled that a few min ago as well So yeah I will stop asking and start reading on the human body. I didn't understand though what you meant about "Take a piece of food and follow it through the body. Now do the same with a drink of water." I'm not sure I can do that myself but I can look for videos on that.. and see what really happens to the food/drinks we put in our body.. it'd be kinda cool. I'll check out youtube for the A/P like you suggest. thanks again. : ) -
Help Me Self Learn Anything EMT Related (Read)
KyleKIR replied to KyleKIR's topic in Education and Training
@ mbuchanan0119, Thanks for writing as well. I understand that if I learn things now I'll just be learning it again in school. I don't mind that actually.. what I'm learning now is pretty much scattered information.. when I get into a class I'll have general knowledge of whats going on. The instructor will be able to reteach me what I somewhat already know, and show me how to apply what I learned. See I've been learn things myself like certain vocab. words and I have no clue how to use a lot of them in a sentence. Say for example.. the words: Posterior, Anterior, Ventral, Dorsal, Proximal, Distal. I'm assuming I'll need to know these words so I have learned them. You ask me what they mean I'll tell you, but When it comes to actually using the words say in a sentence or dealing what a patient I have no clue how to use these words. So I think its good I at least know what they mean now..so when I get into an EMT class the Instructor will be able to then not only re teach me those words, but show me how they'll be used and how to apply them in the field. does that make sense? Also, thanks for bringing up the B/P Cuff. I used to look at those blood pressure numbers and see/hear numbers like 120/80... I used to think "what does that mean?" "what is 120/80?" Now after looking it up I know they are the numbers from systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.. which are used to determine the persons blood pressure level..or something like that lol. I will now go look for a B/P cuff and stethoscope and practice taking pulse. (Saw both together on amazon for like 9$) Okay so this post is not only for the guy who replied but everyone to read.. feel free to respond.. Also while I'm here I want to add some questions. I read about respiratory rate... how do you determine someones respiratory rate? Along with B/P and Respiratory rates.. what else do you measure or check for in that sense on patients.. that I should know? One last question. I'm not sure if this is something to know for someone who is just starting out.. but things like Liters, Milliliters, and certain numbers like 12mg of blah blah whatever you use... when dealing with patients... I don't know any of that and I'm thinking that's stuff for "Paramedics" ? Do you know where I can start learning all that? Hope that makes sense I'm not sure how to better ask about that... but if you understand what I mean hope you can reply. Thanks again to all of you and sorry if I ask too much. -
Help Me Self Learn Anything EMT Related (Read)
KyleKIR replied to KyleKIR's topic in Education and Training
@ akflightmedic, Thanks for the advice. I will go to a campus book store and look for some books. I have an EMT book right now called "Emergency Care" (eighth addition) the thing is so old I'm not sure if I should even be reading it. Its from like 1998. I mean reading it gives me some basics, and a general knowledge of emt-b, and everything I'll be learning, but who knows what has changed since this book came out. Anyways lol.. I'll just go and look for a new used book from a book store.. and continue to read/ self study on/offline. More than what a book can tell me and just straight reading from beginning to end.. I was hoping you guys who are already experienced medics can tell me certain things I should start learning myself.. like some MUST KNOWS.. or things I should learn that will benefit me in the EMT field and the emt basic class that I can get a head start on instead of just saying "take an A&P class" and such. Also.. I do plan to go all the way to Paramedic some day.. I don't want to get too ahead of myself now by talking much about it cause who knows what will happen from now till then...but yes I'd like to be a "Paramedic" someday. Just going to take it one step at a time and see what happens.