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About Fish_KO_Tech

  • Birthday 09/20/1987

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    Alberta, Canada

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  1. Since the AHS take over, protocols province wide are now all the same. If you have an iPhone you can download them (search AHS EMS in the app store). My best guess would be that you wouldn't have to write te ACP exam, but they may have you write a jurisprudence exam, and probably submit a transcript or somethig of the sort. Hope this helped.
  2. Hey, We have 5 units at our service, 3 are staffed at a time. We have a schedule for cleaning them, where we take EVERYTHING out of the back and cab, spray and wipe with our antiseptics, and take it to wash in winter, or handwash in summer. Our manager likes the unit that's to be washed, to be washed, regardless of weather. During the winter we use the wax spray at the carwash, but the units are usually waxed by hand twice a year, just before and just after winter. We don't go as far as to polish rims and tires and chrome every time, but sometimes on a slow day, every month or so, they might get some extra attention. The expiration dates are also checked while the unit is being cleaned. We've got a pretty solid system going and it works very well, but most people covet Tuesdays and Thursdays, when there is no clean to be done! Other than that, after a call, the typical stretcher, floor, bench, airway chair, and front end wipe is done.
  3. - Movember in 2 sleeps.

  4. - Rally the troops. The mongeese fly at midnight.

  5. Havent had a chance to look at them yet but I suppose it's a decent idea. But AHS was supposed to be a decent idea too. The service I'm at is kind of a "take some from this province and that province" deal, so our protocols arent near what AHS has, so it's a bit of above and beyond what we normally practice here. That'll be good in the learning process and the transition from BLS to ALS provider here, I just hope the whole implimentatio goes smoothly. It should, right?
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