I think a few things are wrong with the country today.
First is greed. Everyone is looking out for just themselves. Our politicans are too busy looking out for themselves rather than making decisions on what is best for the country. .We elect them under the premise that they will go and do what we feel is best for the country. In reality, they go and do what is their best interest. The lobbyist and special interest groups spend millions on politicans. They have to get reelected to be able to continue with this. I realize that they have to do some things for their constituants, but sometimes you have to sacrifice some small things for the good of the whole. Kind of like having a bad infection in you hand. In order to save your life you have to amputate the hand.
Secondly is personal resposibility. Everyone is so busy blaming everyone else that no one takes resposibility for their actions. When you make a mistake, take ownership of it and learn from it.
Lastly, is political correctness. If 90% of people blowing up airplanes are muslin males 18-35 it is not racial profiling to examine this group when they go to board an airplane. It is smart not descriminitory. We are too busy trying to not offend anyone that we can not provide proper security and other services to everyone else. If you do not pay into the system then you should not complain about the services you receive or don't receive. Illiegal aliens should not be allowed to get social security or other services. They should come in legally and contribute before they expect to received services. But as a country we are so worried about hurting their feelings. If they don't like it they can go back where they came from. Once again back to doing what is good for the whole.
Ok, I am sure I have upset some folks now so I will get off my soap box.