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Brandi Copes

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About Brandi Copes

  • Birthday 09/19/1975

Previous Fields

  • Occupation
    EMT Basic / Paramedic Student

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Blanchard, Louisiana
  • Interests
    I actually have a lot of varied interests from raising animals to cooking, but for now, I'm in Paramedic school so my interests are waiting patiently for me to come back to the real world. lol

Brandi Copes's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. studying drug cards for a test tonight!

  2. studying drug cards for a test tonight!

  3. studying drug cards for a test tonight!

  4. Dwayne, I like the idea you gave! I came in here today because I'm totally frustrated. Our instructor gives us two drugs on Monday and on the next Monday, he wants us to write everything on the drug card for a test. I'm up to 6 drugs now and they're all meshing together. For instance, I mixed up the Indications for Adenosine and Atropine on my test last week and got a nice butt chewing from the Chief. (BTW, I'm not stupid, like he may think. lol) I loved the idea of envisioning the patient, symptoms, and treatment! This just may work...Thanks!!!
  5. Hey everyone! I am starting paramedic school on March 1st and I am in need of the following books: Essentials of Paramedic Care 2nd Edition Essentials of Paramedic Care 2nd Edition *workbook* Basic Arrhythmias 6th Edition If anyone has any ideas of where I can get these books at a good price, please let me know. I opted to buy them on my own because they're over $300.00 new and I needed to save as much money as I can! I will even consider used books as long as they're in good shape. I definitely HAVE to have the drug cards in the workbook. I have checked Ebay, Half.com, Amazon.com, and WalMart.com and I haven't come up with much so I'm hoping someone here either knows where I can find these books or has some they want to sell. Feel free to text me if you have some good info for me. 318-453-9701. Thanks so much!!!
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