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Carl Ashman

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About Carl Ashman

  • Birthday 08/27/1970

Previous Fields

  • Occupation
    RN, PHRN.

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    A stone´s throw away from Amsterdam
  • Interests
    EMS education, books, beer and travelling to the US

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Carl Ashman's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Dont worry mate, we can have our own European reunion. You can tell me how Oktoberfest went. Gutted I still haven't had chance to visit.Carl
  2. I think it's fair to say that a physician in EMS will have a limited scope of practice. Of course, the OP's has other options as a native English speaker. Take a look at this. And they really are doing some cool stuff like REBOA: Presentation EMS Physician Garreth Davies Carl
  3. De laatste tentamen van het jaar net behaald. Een 9. Jippie!!!!

  4. Je moet lang wachten maar dan heb je ook wat.. een 8 voor mijn tentamen "Ontwikkelen van het beroep naar een bredere perspectief". Uncle Sam zou trots op me zijn..

  5. Fantastische dag gehad op de OK in het Radboud. Alleen nu geen treinen van en naar Nijmegen. Klotestoring.. Ach, ik zoek een studententent op en bestel de daghap met studentenkorting. We maken van een nood een deugd...

  6. I recently met a colleague that I hadn't seen for a while. He asked me: " How are things going with the degree?". I replied: "I should have started 10 years ago". His reply: "Well, it's a good thing you didn't change your mind a week before the start, just like you were going to....".

  7. You state that the pt. has a Hx of A-fib. As far I know, adenosine is contraindicated in A-fib for this very reason. Was a 12-lead done prior to administration? Carl.
  8. (Shakes his head sadly....) Only in America! Come on people, this is just abuse of the system. They are already in an EMERGENCY room, full of EMERGENCY nurses and physicians. If they want to get taken elsewhere because of the waiting times then they take a cab. They are not going in my truck. Not that I would even get to see them because dispatch would refuse and ring the ER. Is it no wonder that healthcare in the US is so broke? I don´t normally have such strong opinions but this just goes beyond the pail to me.... Carl.
  9. I used to live on Lou Costello Street. It was around the corner from Charlie Chaplin Drive. No, I'm not kidding, It was called the filmstar neighboorhood. C.
  10. Ouch, that is harsh. This can also be a good place to learn about how other people do things. It will give good ideas for the future. One good example, I visited the US in my capacity as EMS educator more than 10yrs ago. I saw CPAP in action and was impressed. I went home and hounded my Medical Director so long that he finally relented and we now have CPAP. Don´t underestimate the power of the net. Other than that, you make good points. Prescribing is, however, a long way off, I fear. Carl
  11. An excellent, well made point there Bieber. Education is a substantial part of the answer but not the whole sum. Whilst I agree that, with better and broader (degree-based) education, providers should be given more options than taking a patient "hot" to the nearest ER, there are a number of issues. Safe clinical practice dictates that in the management of chronic illness you should be able to refer your patient to a primary care provider. Now I am not about to start a debate on the entire US healthcare system but it is fair to say that a large portion of the population don't even have a primary care physician, let alone an entire support network. Therefore, here's the dilemma: it's fine to refuse transport to the mild COPD patient, but who is going to manage his care after you've left? Carl.
  12. As far as I know I'm neither transgender nor, indeed, the OP. That was Metal Medic. Going somewhat off-topic here: I am however confusing things. I am better known here as WelshMedic. However, for lots of reasons (like being on forums on 3 different continents) I have decided to revert to my real name. So there. Sorry, now on-topic. Are you in the loop now Dwayne? Carl.
  13. Hey Rob, I've been MIA from here for a while too now.... I was wondering what you were up to, it's so quiet around here these days. Let's see if we can kick up a bit of dust (no pun intended) and let this place rock again!!! The artist formerly known as WelshMedic.
  14. And there's me wondering how I offended you.... I've never had an issue with type II, we just do everything on the right side. In fact, type II is relatively large here. Have a look how our other neighbour's do it: Yes, you really are looking at a standard Mercedes with an ambulance built on top!! Now they really are a pain to work in (even if they are very comfortable and go like the wind)
  15. Oh, AK... it really like old times here. It's good to be back........................ Where is Dust anyway? Carl.
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