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Everything posted by Maz

  2. Haha that is funny! Well crimbo in three days yuppie! Oh am today I managed to keep my mouth shut!
  3. Hi all, Right I just thought I might start a thread off as last week I kept saying the wrong thing to my boss then the director! I want to know what you have said out of turn, or it's been taken the wrong way! Well, it was the secret Santa and my boss put his hat on and then as I was called out first I said are u going to bounce me on your knee?! Then I thought oh my god! I really didn't mean it that way! I just thought that as a kid when I went to see Santa I was obviously sat in his knee. The more I tried to re-write what I said the more I dug a deeper hole. Then when getting in the life the big cheese (the director) got in the lift with me and he had a smart phone that required you to use a pen to tap the screen. I can't believe what I said! The first thing out my mouth was "I don't like your phone!" I really didn't mean to say that! I could believe it and the way down to the bottom floor the whole lift fell silent and I turned around thinking what an idiot I was meant to say "I don't get along with them phones as I find the pen too much hassle" so as of yet I still am in a job. Also I was walking past my bosses office and turned around outside his door as I forgot something as I turned around my boss was getting up out of his chair so I instructed him to "stay sat down as I wasn't coming to see him, I had only forgot something and it was nice of him to acknowledge me by standing up"! I was so embarrassed as he said "that he got up as he needed the toilet!" So, I had a bad week and I need to work on my chat up lines :-) xx
  4. Maz

    Grammar test

    My spelling isn't good but my grammar is just am going to confess (please don't bite me too hard) I get lazy and can't be bothered to spell properly (text talk I call it like b4 for before) I just think I have to be good at it at work but at home is different. :-) xx
  5. Hmmm interesting but those are also could count for women too! I hate being disrespected! X
  6. The only time we did this was when we were off duty and my colleague dropped my off home (as I don't drive) but where our bus is is just around the corner at our garage in the hospital. But it could be the same type of thing drop your colleague off as they might not have the car then drive the bus back to the station and finish up. Simple little gesture but to have a crash you could be outside your department/station are like my crash which I was 10 seconds away from my house!
  7. Some AEDs actually tell you to remove hair and also show the location. I think I would always us the razor first as this is what I have been taught. Our razors are always in the AED. On another note has anyone also got a set routine in the positioning of the AED when using the oxygen? I have a set place for the AED as I would have to move he oxygen away and when placing the airway I have to be at the top of the head so in place it at the head facing my, some do it at the side but I found that i have to fart around to much
  8. Thanks Wendy, am loads better. Things are starting to look up! Red cross might have me so this is a good opportunity. I am thinking of acupuncture which I have been told is really good! Just wanted ti say ti everyone thank you all xx
  9. My thoughts got out too all xx
  10. A big thank you too all. I think I now know where am heading! I am going in for coaching in sports but also want to help the disadvantaged on a volunteer basis. But I'll be floating around this site. Wow, so glad I've actually Been pro active today in findig somethig for me. Thank you to all who responded xxx Also it's something I can do sat down xxx I can adapt to me xx
  11. First of all WELL DONE! I have been asked things like what does equality mean? What is your experience? What is a disability? Just general questions in the job itself but also i have had an interview where I thought I was going for a dinner (very strange) but just go with the flow. Xxx good luck and am sure you will be a fantastic job xx
  12. Hi Kate, I know am on medication to help me sleep! Like to say my bed sheets hurt. Being the cold wheather it hurts more. I have other probs too, I am hypermobile and have a bone deformity in my knee and also got grade one Chondromalacia and if that isn't enough I have muscle atrophy and synovitis in my knee. I have had injections in my knee and been on Naproxen 500mg all which have failed! All I can do is my physio which as u understand is so hard! Am glad I've found someone who understands CRPS it's something that is so hard to describe x Oh and some good news. I have just put my name down for an interview on a new volunteer service. I'll have an interview to see what I like and dont like and thy see what I can and cannot do so they match me up to a perfect job. It amazing who you know. Kate also I sometimes am naughty and tend to do more than I should! Like you say its having a life xx
  13. Thanks Jim, My Surgeon said if he preforms an op I will either end up better or end up disabled quicker. He said he will try and settle my knee down before he even considers surgery. I have a rare condition CRPS....So far its not going according to plan but what does go to plan right? Also a few other associated problems. What I will say is that nothing can prepare you for it but at least I have had 4 years in (SJA for 4 years, NHS for 2 Years). Am only 21, started when I was 18 and when I turned 21 I was allowed to advance in my skill level. I am the youngest in my division (squad)...I am young enough to start learning new things but also its too yound to be disabled. I am 22 in 5 months time There is no way I can take up singing haha...I can make people deaf so, I suppose if you wish to be deaf then head my way I will miss it but I have so many good memories. One that I will share it when we were called to a shout, we walked into the room...I will always remember it as it smelt strongly of Canabis. What I will say is it was that bad I ended up high and my partner so we were placed on O2 haha...Wow its somthing.... I have had such an amazing time, met some strange people which all I happened to work with From the hard times to the best times at least I have memories. I will be handing my kit in on the 11th January 2011....New Year New Start right? I am handing my kit in this day as I am seeing my surgeon on the 11th and as my partner works nights this is the only day off so, at least I will have support when handing it in. Thank you al xxx
  14. I know gesss..... I think its getting over carried away with my clicking finger!
  15. I have a job but this is my volunteer side it might not sound all good to others but to me its a way of life. I want to volunteer in something else but have tried and no one wants someone who will end up disabled. (My Surgeon told me ill end in a wheelchair). Ruffems am sorry but when you have just been told your going to be disabled or as my surgeon put it crippled I think that anyone would be down about it. Its not something anyone likes to hear. I can whole heartedly say I have saved lives and also helped my community. I love seeing the faces of children/adult who I have tought. I love being on call, I love that when I go to a shout that I dont actually know what I am going too....where else do I get this?? I have to say I dont want pitty but at least you have gaven me a kick up my arse! ;-) Am not a down hearted person but like I say am still in shock, its a hard think to take. I am going to have to take the bullet and say am not going to be like I am... Also put it this way, am angry! I though I would have been looked after by a health organisation obviously I am wrong! They are meant to look after there own arnt they or it this all a fake?
  16. Hi all, Apologies I really haven't been on here much. Basically been busy with hospital appointments. Well as the title says am throwing in the towel. I have no choice now, I've been holding off for such a long time that now I finally can't. I have been told I am not allowed to wear my uniform, I've been told am not allowed to train and I've been told am not allowed To do duty! I was told that if I am to wear my uniform I'll basically be in trouble. it's a kick in the teeth to be honest, I think they could have told me on a nicer way. I am a member of St John Ambulance s an ETA Which I believe is near to the USA's EMT CLASS B. also I am a CFR with the NHS but was soon to be a ECA also a trainer. I've been told that I have a progressive decease in my knee (CRPS) with a few other probs. I could end up wheelchair bound. I am gutted that I love the jobs I do I am now having to stop. I can still do things but I cannot believe they are throwing me out like this! I've got no support! I can honestly say I am one of the best been in for years and I've now been trown aside and told to basically leave. This is the only thing I know how to be is save lives and train people. I am gutted I just don't know what to do. So, apparently it's called medically retiring. Does anyone have any ideas to what else I can do? I have a full time job doing admin but I do my Medical stuff every night and weekends I was on the road to an ECA they told me I could end up a Paramedic with in a few years. Looks like I'll end up in a wheelchair but what can I do? Sorry am feeling sorry for my self just I can't believe it.
  17. Hi all, Apologies I really haven't been on here much. Basically been busy with hospital appointments. Well as the title says am throwing in the towel. I have no choice now, I've been holding off for such a long time that now I finally can't. I have been told I am not allowed to wear my uniform, I've been told am not allowed to train and I've been told am not allowed To do duty! I was told that if I am to wear my uniform I'll basically be in trouble. it's a kick in the teeth to be honest, I think they could have told me on a nicer way. I am a member of St John Ambulance s an ETA Which I believe is near to the USA's EMT CLASS B. also I am a CFR with the NHS but was soon to be a ECA also a trainer. I've been told that I have a progressive decease in my knee (CRPS) with a few other probs. I could end up wheelchair bound. I am gutted that I love the jobs I do I am now having to stop. I can still do things but I cannot believe they are throwing me out like this! I've got no support! I can honestly say I am one of the best been in for years and I've now been trown aside and told to basically leave. This is the only thing I know how to be is save lives and train people. I am gutted I just don't know what to do. So, apparently it's called medically retiring. Does anyone have any ideas to what else I can do? I have a full time job doing admin but I do my Medical stuff every night and weekends I was on the road to an ECA they told me I could end up a Paramedic with in a few years. Looks like I'll end up in a wheelchair but what can I do? Sorry am feeling sorry for my self just I can't believe it.
  18. Hi all I though I might introduce myself. I am Called Marantha (Maz for Short) I am currently working as with the government but I do voluntary St John Ambulance. I am an advanced first aider, I am soon to be a community first aid trainer and also a Emergency Transport Attendant (similar to an EMT)... I would just like to say hi to everyone and see u around this web site Maz x
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