Thanks for the input, Dwayne. That's the exact same spirit so many of my coworkers have had and it never ceases to amaze me. I only hope that someday I can be the same for someone else.
DustDevil, thank-you too for the input and advise. I did want to clarify several things though.
For some people EMT-B is a stepping stone, not what they are settling for. I do plan to begin medic school shortly. As you've basically already said, in an ideal world we would all be medics, but, unfortunately, this is not an ideal world.:/
I also wanted to say that I've never personally had a problem with a medic and I certainly don't have a chip on my shoulder toward any.
Personally, I enjoy a good challenge and I also enjoy working with people who present a good challenge. I would not want to work under anybody who would accept anything less than my absolute best.
We had an instructor in our EMT class who was like that. She may not have been forthcoming with praise, she picked (and I mean picked) at the nitty-gritty details, and if you messed up you knew that a lecture was coming (loudly and in public!), but I knew that she was hard on me because she wanted to see me pass and she wanted me to be the best that I could be and I loved it because I knew that if she didn't comment on my work I had done it well.
I may like the tough bosses, but, that being said, I've watched it crush others. Some of my classmates couldn't stand it and, for their sake, I wished, not that she would have lowered the standard, but that she could have come across a little more gently with them and could have been more affirmative when they did do it right.
I believe that is the mark of a true teacher: to be in tune with their students and, while not lowering the standard, able to meet them on their level. We don't need preachers. We need teachers. (I just realized how that might come across. I don't know you and I am in no way inferring as to what kind of teacher you might be, simply what I believe is ideal.)
And I'll use spell check in the future. (This is not spell checked though, as spell check is not downloaded on this pc.) Bear with me please.