As a friend of Chris and his family, I can tell you that there is a lot to the story as always. No one can condone his actions or behaviors and it is pretty nasty. That being said, his choices led him to having some major issues with drugs and while it shouldn't be an excuse, he was definitely not himself the last couple years before this happened. It's just really sad what drugs can do to someone, even someone who has been a good person throughout life. Anyone who knew him before his troubles knows what really is inside. His trial is tomorrow, and he is expected to plea bargin for a 10 year sentence. I know that the last year he has been locked up have cleaned him up from the drugs, and he is accepting of his punishment. I know in our business there is a lot of sick humor and that's how we deal or have dealt with sick things. This is no different, but it just goes to show how drugs can rip through someones life and ruin a good part of it that's for sure. No one should pass judgement, you never know what can happen throughout your life to bring you to a bad point. It may be a different decision and you may not ever make the one(s) he did, but we all need to remember that crappy things like this can end up happening to most of us if we're not always on top of things. Let the bashing begin, but I hope some still have some type of heart.