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Everything posted by Goose

  1. first 5 mins of "way of the gun" after the car alarm goes off and sarah silverman starts yelling at ryan to get off the car "shut the c*unt's mouth before i come over there and f*ck start her head" that always ends an argument.
  2. i know what your talking about. i wake up in the middle of the night a good minute or so before tones go off. but by far the wierdest is i can call the calls we're gonna get. its gotten so freaky. i can call it with in 30-45 mins of the time i said i would come in. and now for some reason i can even call what we're gonna go to. like today i said we'd have a seizure and 1715. and we got one at 1736. it made me feel so creeped out. i got all goose bump. my roommate and i have been playing a game where we try and call what time the calls will come in. its a fairly slow service so we have a lot of time to sit and play stupid games like this or make crazy pick up lines.... but that anther thread. my advice enjoy it. its always feels creepy but you'll never be cought off guard. which is nice. if you can have fun with it.
  3. midnight medicine has a few good shirts
  4. I've picked up boxing it helps a lot. its more then just hitting a bag there's a lot to it. it takes my mind off work. fixing old cars is great to right now I'm doing body work on a 67 cougar. talkings good for a bit only if the other person understands what you need from them. i just need to vent sometimes don't really care if you have an opinion to fix or help.
  5. we got dispatched to a "27 year old female with liver pains, shes on her second bottle of tequila" and my favorite "we need you to respond to a domestic between a women and her invisible husband"
  6. my first patient to die on happened early for me. i was 8 days into my first job. we were taking a patient to the city for surgery she was 90 had a DNR. i was driving my first time in the city had no idea where the hospital was so my partner had to jump up front every now and then to give me directions. i missed a turn and she ended up dying before we got her to her room. i was in the hall blamming myself when i partner came up to me put his hand on my shoulder and said "do you know why she died?" i thought he was going to reassure me that the missed turn didn't have anything to do with it and she was old next words out of his mouth "because you missed that turn"
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