I work for a Transport company and everything we do is still on paper. We do mostly Dialysis and Hospital Discharges so our narratives tend to look the same after a while. This is a basic narrative for a tansfer from a Dialysis center to a privet home. Im so use to useing paper and pen typeing out a narrative feels a bit odd.
A-7 dispatched to FMC Dialysis for 60 y/o female with Hx of CRF, Hip Fx and unable to ambulate on own -----> prvt home. Upon arival crew found Pt in Gerichair ----> cot via 2 EMT lift, secured x 5. -----> A-7.Vitals taken, B/P HTN with normal pulse and resps. Pt hasn extensive Hx Cardiac with recent heart attack, CRF, unstable gait and needs medical supervision during transport. Pt apeared well today with no signs of distress or pain. Pt denies any pain or major complaints. Uneventfull plesent transport to prvt home. -----> from A-7 into home via stair chair up two flight of stairs. ------> into bed via 2 EMT lift secured rails and left Pt in care of family. A-7 Cleared 1047.
----> - Moved and or transport
A-7 - Ambulance 7
Hx - History
Pt - Patient
Fx - Fracture
HTN - Hypretensive
Edited for content and translation from paper to keyboard.