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uglyEMT last won the day on May 20 2014

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  • Occupation
    Longshoreman, EMT, Rescue Diver, Diver Medic

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  • Location
    In The Woods
  • Interests
    EMS, Offroading, Fishing, Scuba Diving

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  1. UglyEMT,

    I read your post about your strange shoulder pain after a particularly long CPR. I, unfortunately, found my best friend sitting in a chair after apparently aspirating and asphyxiating. He was about 225 lbs. I picked him up out of the chair, dragged him across the room to have room to work on him, and then performed CPR until help arrived. I've since (6 weeks now) had really sharp pains in the top of my shoulder when I lift my arm upward. Even reaching for the turn signal in my truck hurts, and sleeping sucks royally. Did you ever find anything that worked to relieve it, or see a doc about your pain? I'm pretty sure it's my AC joint, but nothing on xrays. Thanks in advance for your help!

    1. uglyEMT


      Sorry to hear about a your friend.  Those are hard calls.

      I did get resolution of my pain with some NSAIDs and Arnica gel.  My Dr did an MRI and XRays and both came back negative.  It was just inflammation of the joint.  I have had prior shoulder injuries from when I was younger so we feel it was an aggravating factor. 

      Try some OTC pain reliever and also try to limit the motion.  I slinged mine for a long weekend and it seemed to help.  

      Hope this helps.

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