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Everything posted by basejump

  1. The internet was never secure to begin with,then people started voicing their opinions and getting into shit. I'm glad I don't have facebook. My opinion is if you don't like it then don't look.
  2. Everyone wants to be "equal" but the truth is we are not. That's just how I feel.
  3. what would you do street sweeper? or what do you think would help this patient without much effort?
  4. mental,just that.
  5. I was browsing through the online paper when I came across this video. Interested, I went on a little research party for "krokodil aka desomorphine. Seeing the drug is an opiate, here we give narcan to reverse affects (and alot of times get agitated arses). Is it the same for our friends in the UK? We of course would have some commonalities in how we treat patients who abuse substances, but are there any special considerations when dealing with these patients? I'm curious. Fill me in. http://www.calgarysun.com/2011/11/23/gruesome-new-drug-corrodes-body http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=krokodil&oq=kroko&aq=0z&aqi=g-z1g9&aql=&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=24029l25891l0l28490l5l5l0l0l0l0l650l1997l2- http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/krokodil-the-drug-that-eats-junkies-2300787.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krokodil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desomorphine
  6. 1. get over it. 2.seek professional help or talk to a close friend who doesnt mind listening. 3.self medicate 4.take that certification card and insert in the shredder. those are your options
  7. wether you'd like my stereotypical attitude or my nice,common sense knowledge it still boils down to the same answer. PD needs to assess the situation before you gallying on in unless you'd like to get an axe thrown at your head. I don't want to read about you in the paper brother,stay safe out there. cheers
  8. a couple hundred thousand at best.
  9. I don't get how people look for gratification in the job they are suppose to be doing,and fufilling all the requirements for that job. Example: if i work at tango at the drive thru window,should i be expecting a thanks for my coffee your doing a great job?no. Serving coffee and donuts is what i should be doing to the best of my ability. it is in the job description, this is what im trained to do. If im a paramedic in the city should I expect the public to thank me for something that im suppose to be doing or going that extra mile to make a patient feel comfortble? no. Maybe if you want people to thank you and praise you for the things you have done or the deals you have given go work at a car dealer. Someone want to iterate what the term public service means. sorry if this post sucks,ive had a few shots tonight ; i dont have aproblem with patients driving to the er
  10. http://www.canada.com/health/patients+sterilization+scandal+test+positive+firm/5721781/story.html here's a bit of a follow up
  11. Well I could have copied and pasted that lol.....Also google starlings law and disastolic pressures. You can use google and scholar.google.com depending on how sciency your feeling. I'd love to reply more on this but im out the door for my shift. Cheers, talk soon.
  12. I'm sorry but im in a joking mood right now lol.
  13. Opinions are like assholes,everybody has one.
  14. I agree with you. I probably would have stepped up to triage alot sooner and stating the patients current status. 2h is a great time.
  15. I was curious so I had to call a friend of mine and ask. The patient is told to follow-up with there GP by the Doc who they are under the care of. I'm sure it would be perfectly OK to check on the patient after discharge,but also a tad sketchy lol. The PD are generally the ones who are called out for general well being and welfare checks,not EMS. Boundaries, I know them. Cheers Doc
  16. My job as an Emergency Services provider is to take care of any life threatening injuries,assess,package and to transport to definitive care. After care has been transfered and we are cleared,that's it. If a phone number is obtainable,it's documented in the PCR. I'm not even sure who does follow-up care with patients after discharge and frankly it's not my concern. Professionalism people,someone needs the book throw at them. For refrence: http://servicealberta.ca/pipa/ and http://www.servicealberta.ca/foip/ Be safe out there
  17. Can you post the strip? Thanks.
  18. This one's for you Rob. GBNF. This has nothing to do with Rob,nonetheless not all muslims are evil. Maybe you should take your medication,and not post such disrespect.
  19. stick to the basics, that's engraved in my head.
  20. I agree with you. For everything else there is healthLINK and PADIS, they should distribute cards/pampletes for every bus in the city. What it boils down to is the EMS professionals clinical experience, and post assesment, are we able to pick out the BS calls and say to the patient follow up with healthLINK or your GP or are we just opening up the doors for litigation,possibly error,poor judgement and insufficient patient care. It does get tiring when you get a call for a drunk patient,you roll up to find a patient,post assesment appears to be healthy (no real emergency)all vitals normal etc etc etc, wanting to goto the bottle recycling depot. Have a great weekend.
  21. Does your PD have a forensics unit?
  22. How will a picture alter care in the ER dept?
  23. I haven't taken ACLS yet,but I will be in the near future. I didn't mean to be a jack-ass,but if you don't know wether you're coming or going you should probably refresh and take the course again. That would make logical sense to me,anyways. cheerss
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