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Everything posted by TheGuildMaster

  1. Liable for what, doing there job??
  2. -first the priest: you only gave me the information you did, because that was all that you were given. So, like you or someone else stated in another post, the other information was taken form sterotyping. so be that said, and this applies to the stereotpying of the other members as well. the priest I stereotyped based on my stereotypical priest. a priest is only a priest. the group is too small in my opinion to warrent spiritial guidence. -the protistute is again stereotyped as I stated previously. female under 30. i did not make the assumption that being a prostitute as being a bad thing. actually, I see the profession as an occupation as well as service. -the lawyer is based on personal bias, my major dislike of lawyers. I stereotyped this lawyer as a trial lawyer. those i like even less. why this is so, is Not a discussion for debate. and no, i dont have a "Record". i just have a general dislike for lawyers. -now for the pregnant child, as you put it. first and formost, I am not going to debate when a fetus is a living human being. my definition is very specific; and I will not state those specifications here. Lets just say: I am Pro Choice. And I stand firm on the liability of the pregnant child to the survival of the group. what those 7 people will encounter, are horrors and devistation beyound the average person comprehention. they will need all of the members to be as functional and productive as possible. -regarding the police officer; he/she could be just as bad or worse than the lawyer. so who knows. and as far as the other things that you stated previously in this post: those are probably your stereotypes, assumptions, and "what-if?" information. this sociology exam can be "what-if'ed to death. I based my response to your initial question/situation, based on my knowledge, beliefs, stereotypes, perosonal bias, and my military training All in all I enjoy these types of questions. it lets me see me from a different perspective.
  3. Sence you specified 3 must be removed, and 7 stay and the Reasons why are as follows: First of all, I am a Realist. - 16yo Blind pregnant girl: Removed; because she is a multiple liability to the groups survival. Mainly because she is blind, and therefore must have an attending person with her. she is pregnant, and again requiring an attendent. the group started with 7, then is reduced to 5 usefull people. just because you keep the pregnant girl. -Priest: Removed; serves no function, other than an extra helping hand to do what needs doing. Spiritual guidance is Not tops on the "Need" list. -Lawyer: Removed; same as priest, serves no function, other than an extra helping hand to do what needs doing. do to the small number of people (7); legal functions are performed by other personnel. -Army Captain & Police Officer: Keep; for Command and leadership roles, as well as heads of legal decisions. most physically fit of all listed individuals. -70yo Doctor & Medical Student: Keep; for obvious resaons. the DR can teach the medical student. they can work togather to perform medical services on those that need it. -History Professor: Keep; once a place to live has been established , the Professor can teach the survivors and eventually the children of the survivors as well as future teachers. -Farmer: Keep; for obvious reasons. once a place to live has been chosen, the skills and knowledge of the farmer can be put to use. as well as the farmer teaching others to farm. -Prostitute: Keep: additional helping hand. most likely under the age of 30. .. now to address the argument of why the prostitute over the other 3. the blind girl; reason is stated earlier. the priest; is stereotypically in the late 50s of age, with no special skills needed to survive in this situation. the lawyer; his/her skills are provided by the officer and the captain. plus, the need for the elimination of the coruption of the 'what was' modern legal system; allowing for a fresh and new legal system to develop. I know I am going to take a lot heat from what I said and why. but I am sticking to my guns, with what I said.
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