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Everything posted by k_emt13

  1. the rest of the shop has had 8 calls this week and I have had two today. I swear I bring a storm with me lol

    1. emtgrimreaper


      your the official black cloud

    2. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      2 calls in a shift is a 'storm'? Try 38 calls in 24 hours (one truck)...THEN complain about a 'storm'!

  2. I needed that, thanks
  3. Wonders if everyone's service has a lot of problems or its just the service that I just walked into, this is ridiculous!

    1. fakingpatience


      is it private EMS?

    2. medicgirl05


      I recently asked the same question...

  4. trauma junkie, it's not that I want you to get hurt, I just want to be there when you do. i am getting this shirt.. hopefully for christmas
  5. I had a patient flip me off and call me everything but a white girl.. so your guess is as good as mine what I would do lol I think its still hilarious
  6. I love this!
  7. really wondering how stable this company is, and see where this is going to go!

  8. We have something similar to that at my service, just not quite sure what the model name is. And yes they are hell on the back!
  9. is it just me or is this profession freaking awesome!!!

  10. Congrats to both of you. That is so exciting. I will keep your family in my prayers!
  11. loves my new crew and town I am workin in, and all of the trauma my mascot has brought me :)

  12. headed back to the EMT world tomorrow early morning! So excited!!

  13. Here is the link http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/730866 I was just wondering what your views on this were. In my thinking I thought that ABC's made sense. But now starting compressions first, wouldn't that lodge something father in the trachea, or am I wrong. I am new to this so all opinions are welcome.
  14. I went to the site and read the entire article so I am not going to answer but that is seriously crazy, I have found my new site of stalking medical info
  15. so nervous about orientation tomorrow!! I can't believe I finally got the EMT job I wanted!

    1. penguin_pong


      Good luck with orientation and congrats on getting the job as an EMT. I can't wait to be an EMT.

  16. I am so excited I found out today after 5 long months of waiting that I got my first EMT job. I am so excited and nervous at the same time!! I got a part time position but the director said it could go full time at any moment. So at least I will get my experience and get my foot in the door. I am ready to start! I have orientation on Thursday from 8-4. Pray for me lol.
  17. Congrats! I just got my first EMT job, so I share in your joy!
  18. I know that there is the pell grant and a lot of other grants, there are websites that have every grant possible. I would google it and just start applying. Good luck honey!!
  19. waiting on friday!

  20. waiting for Tuesday and super nervous

  21. Hi Angelo, Welcome to EMTCity! You will love it here. I have learned a lot and I just became certified in June when I passed my national registry. I took the class so I could help people and nursing on the same floor doing the same things every single day seemed boring as hell. But welcome once again and good luck in your class! Katie
  22. so ready for the 24th!

  23. The only things that I can suggest is if you bake cookies send them in a pringles can (they don't crush easy), playing cards, nerf football. It sounds kinda corny but one of my best friends was overseas about a year ago and I got a small plastic container and scooped up some dirt and put the word home on the lid. He said it was something that made him smile and look forward to getting back to the states. Thank your hubby for his service. And if you need any more ideas search google or bing. Here is a site that should help a little bit. If you need anything feel free to PM me. I was a Marine wife once upon a time. http://militarymomathome.blogspot.com/2009/01/care-package-ideas.html Happy sending!
  24. the dryer just dumped my detergent all over the floor.. awesome!

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