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Everything posted by k_emt13

  1. Thank you so much! Its August 24th. They do it by hiring academy's with Paramedics and EMT's. So if I get hired I will for sure be surrounded by people going through the same things that I am. I am just worried because I am fresh out of EMT class that they would want more experience. The only stuff that I do have is that I worked 2 MVA's and a code full cardiac arrest when I was in clinicals (at least those were the only exciting ones to me lol).
  2. So I got an interview here in OK with EMSA. I am so excited but I have a couple things for those that have went through the process. 1. They said there would be a physical, What should I expect? 2. Did you have to go up in front of a pannel for the interview? Any help and advice is greatly appreciated. I am so nervous because this is my first EMS job. Thanks Ya'll!
  3. Thank you for the thread. I will take the words and use them as I take the steps to become a paramedic. Threads like this is one of the reasons I love this site!
  4. Hi and Welcome. Good luck on your national registry! Study hard and I am sure you will be fine!
  5. Welcome! You sounded like me when I was about to start class. I just got my national registry and am currently looking for a job. The only advice I can give you is what my teacher told me. "Study hard, remember you did not hurt them, and adapt because most of the time you can't follow a skills sheet" and on clinicals the skills sheets went out the window but I learned a lot! Good Luck! Katie
  6. Welcome!! I just got my basic and my national registry passed. I went to school in high school at a vo tech which started me into the health field, then I took a phlebotomy course, then medical assisting and now my basic. I am going to go back and get my paramedic. I chose EMS because it is never the same. I thought about going to nursing school and I did so many clinicals throughout my senior year in high school and medical assisting and decided that it wasn'y for me. I actually got accepted into a nursing program and turned it down to do my basic. I think you have to be a bit of an adrenaline junkie and a little crazy. I just want to help people. I know there will be days that I want to scream and I will probably see things that make me want to yak but if you have your heart into it anything is possible. Good luck! PS sorry for the horrible punctuation lol
  7. Welcome.. Good luck in your job quest.. I just put in an application today. Praying for good news!
  8. It kinda shook me. That is a very close team. My hearts and prayers go out to their families and their EMS family members.
  9. My heart goes out to the family and the EMS community. Its so hard hearing about one of our one dying.
  10. I got mine this morning lol. I want to take it somewhere around here but I am not wanting to drive all the way to norman for school or spend two years doing it but I guess it is a necessary evil.. where are you taking yours?
  11. wow is all I can say
  12. Hey ya'll, I am a newly minted NREMT EMT-B. I found out this morning. I am currently looking for an EMT job. I want to go to paramedic school eventually. But until then I will get my feet wet as a rookie. Lol. I am currently waiting tables but am so ready to get on a truck. I am looking forward to getting to know ya'll. Can't wait to learn my way around this site.
  13. I took my test Friday night for my EMT-B. To be honest my teacher's final was harder than the National Registry. It kicked me out at 70 questions as well and I had to wait til this morning (Monday) to find out if I passed or failed. The prep books I believe are just for that.. just prep. I don't think that anything is supposed to qualify for as hard as the National Registry. Best of luck to you. I hope you passed
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