I worked for Rural/Metro out of Buffalo NY. It is thier policy that if you run a red light your fired. Its a shame when you hit ice and go sailing through but it is their policy. They check up on us with the drive cams. Safe driving is our responsibility. We need to be the better drivers out there.
no, i am unable to join because the pins in my ankle and i am flat footed. i did talk to the army about me joining. the other down side to that is paramedics in the army are not able to carry the certification into the civilian life.
this is my thought. If you go straight from bls school to als school you wont pick up any "street" habbits the the state and/or National test dont like. Further more what you have learned from the bls class more than likely will be fresh in your mind.
i am intrested in going for my paramedic but am having a very hard time finding grant money. I know that it is out there. Does anybody know where i can turn to? thanks in advance for y'alls help.