Thank you both for your comments. To Bieber, I chose not to give Activated charcoal because there wasn't really any indication for it, he hadn't OD'd or anything and I gave him the fluids because of his alcohol intake which is dehydrating and he had vomited quite a few times which is even more dehydrating. Once I got him to the ER they started a second line and hung 2 more liters prior to our departure from the ER. The ER doc was also very concerned about his paleness and ordered blood work stat. ER doc also asked if I had given any anti emetic like Promethazine and I had not. To ERDoc, You're right, I probably should have given him some anti emetic to lower the risk of aspiration and make him feel better. I'm just so different like that sometimes. My thinking was that, he was vomiting and able to clear his airway so why not let him rid himself of whatever alcohol is left in his stomach, but then hindsight kicks in and I think, Crap I should have done this or I should have done that. The ER staff were also questioning me why I came code 3 with a drunk. Well, I wasn't worried about him being drunk but his profuse diaphoresis and paleness, and even the ER doc was thinking something else was going on. I've seen a lot drunks and never have I seen one that pale and diaphoretic. Then again I am a new medic so I havn't seen that much. Thank you again for your input.