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Posts posted by emtdennis

  1. I stick with the first two rules of any call "BSI" and "scene safety". LEOs are far better equipped if there is a safety issue, and a scene can go south on you in a heartbeat if you are the only one in there.

    As EMT's of varying degrees, we are in this to help the person in an emergency, but I would not want my agency to have to come out and get me, cuz I rushed into a scene.

    I also have a life, and the good Lord willing, I hope for it to be a long and good one!!

    Just me rambling on!!!!!

    • Like 1
  2. We drive in two "states" hot and cold.

    Cold = you are driving as though you are in you POV. Obey signs, stoplights and general rules of the road.

    Hot = you use what is known as "due regard". You do not blow a stop sign, light or road directives. but safely get the patient to the hospital.

    We use EVOC training and CEVOC training

    There are GPS's in our rigs, i have no problem with this. Our chief takes it very serious.

    Before you can drive a rig, you must take training and drive under the watchful eyes of some of our experienced people.

    Must be over 21


  3. CM,

    In reading your last post, I am glad to see that things can work out with your employer. It will be nice to eventually hear that you got a position that you worked very hard for.

    There are a lot of great suggestions among the various posts, and you have to decide which are best for you. I struggled with being the "white knight" for many years, Is taking me awhile, but am slowly getting past it. I am in my early 60s and finally did something I have always wanted to do (became an EMT) and am working with some really great people.

    Hang in there and don't give up your dream!!!!!!!!

    • Like 1
  4. I hope you enjoyed Sydney. Several years ago, spent a couple of weeks there with my bride and loved every bit of it. Different place to eat every night, definitely would go back again.

  5. Asys, what do you mean by no fire service intrusion? As in, fire doesn't respond to medical calls at all or do you just mean that they're respectful of the boundaries between EMS and fire and don't try to cross them?

    Very similar here in Medford, NY. Fire Dept and VAS are separate when it comes to calls. We do have the good fortune of working together really well when the fit hits the shan.

    Likes: I get to work with a great bunch of folks of all ages and experience levels. Plenty of in-house training and helping each other out.

  6. While I'm certainly not a non-drinker of alcoholic beverages, I just tell the guys that I'm the "Designated Driver", or I'm less than 48 hours from my next shift, and they usually back off.

    Also, when I go to the NY State Volunteer Ambulance and Rescue Association's "Pulse Check" convention, because I know my van is not going to be moved for 72 hours, I'll probably have a Rum and Coke, or a beer my first night.

    I do drink, but by choice, not that much.

    (There was a time my "friends" thought to have me get rid of "my problems", I should get drunk. Others thought I should "get laid". There also was a vocal contingent thought I should do both the same night.)

    Hope to see you up at the convention this year!!! I will have my lady with me also!!! At least we can grab a drink,

  7. We are in the process of getting a new MCI/Rehab unit. Just looking to see what is recommended for stocking the unit. We want the capability to support up to 50 people.

    Any ideas would be appreciated..


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