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Posts posted by emtdennis

  1. Ysaundra,

    Believe it or not I spent three years in Altus, again with the Air Force.

    I agree Arizona was hot and dry but I started to get used to it, until the Air Force decided I needed to be in Korea (since Viet Nam was wrapping up).

    From Korea I was sent to Altus, where there is also lotsa open space and all the tornados and dust you can handle. Wasn't really a bad assignment, but was glad to get back on the east coast after that.

  2. 1) Ask your local PD or junk yard if they can tow a wreck over to the high school and leave it on display for a few days.

    Make sure it is a wreck that was involved in DUI.

    2) If they can't tow the wreck, take photos of it while at the junk yard, see if you can get a couple of practice dummies (even a couple of students may work), with moulage, and pose them within the wreck. This way the class may recognize some if the "models" and realize how lives would change in losing a friend to DUI. (just a lil shock and awe).

    Don't laugh too hard, we did something similar to #1 on a military installation about 40 years ago. We has the wreck posted at the main entrance to the base.

    • Like 1
  3. Thank you, and also to you! I am on call, yippie! No partying for me. Of course, I kind of gave up partying a few years back, when I got old

    You are never too old to party!!

    I am also on call, so the party will be a little late.

    A very Happy and Prosperous 2013 to all!

  4. Glad to see you gave that corporate life the flick, I hear people on the train talking about it and it makes me want to vomit blood; I would rather be raped up the ass with a white hot poker than do some corporate BS job, fuck that

    I will hopefully (hopefully) be starting the degree next year as well.

    Now, should I show up when you ring up for R50, be afraid, be very, very afraid, mwahahahaha! :D

    Sorry, but that sounds tooooo painful!

  5. Keep in mind, you will find shifts that are uneventful. Sometime you feast and sometimes you famine. Then there are times when the fit hits the shan and you wish for the quiet. My first couple ride a longs were quiet, just hang in there and be open to learning by observing. Do stick with the forums, cuz there is a lot to learn.

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