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Posts posted by emtdennis

  1. Good shit indeed!

    Thank you for reading the book, glad you enjoyed it! Did I really? ah...I didn't mean to...it just kinda...happened. Shocked the shit outta me...I think it was #4 #5 and #7 on the Bostic stool chart.

    I don't know why, but incontinence seems to be a reoccuring reaction for my readers...I could think of worse tho.

    I wouldn't be offended if you wrote a review on the site you got it publicly announcing your little accident after reading it...

    Thanks again,


    Dennis, MUGS? They got Bostic Stool Chart mugs?! How did I miss that? I know some very constipated people on my xmas list...

    Found it on Cafe Press after I read this at the end of the original article "Apparently, there's a layman market for the chart as well: You can buy Bristol stool chart mugs and business card cases should you want to refer to it on a regular basis.".

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  2. What if you start with a theme for your recruiting campaign "Our Families Our Town, Lets Protect Them"

    Is there free training and uniforms/supplies? What are some of the bennies your dept has to offer? How simple and convenient would it be to work in your dept? One big thing I see is that people are very busy, so they see this as another demand on their time.

    just a couple thoughts.

  3. I have not been in Brooklyn in many a year, But may I suggest you try googling "volunteer ambulances in brooklyn ny"? I tried it out of curiosity but I am no longer familiar with the boundaries of the areas.

    Many years ago I was a flatbush resident (East 38th St & Quentin Road)

  4. One of the hardest vitals to get!!

    If I can't see much chest rise due to clothing, I may casually/ lightly rest my hand on the pts clavicle. I do this while I am listening for chest sounds or other vitals. If the pt is distracted between me and my partner, they are not paying attention to the back of your wrist on their clavicle. Still use SpO2 in combination, just to give idea how things are going. Respiration is one of the vitals the hosp asks for when we do a call-in.


    I don't know how it works up north, but we get text messages from the regional ems when there is a call in our district. This text includes, location, kind of call and the applicable codes.

    Some of us have application within the phone where we can indicate that we are responding, and a gps that guides us to the location.

    BTW, we also use phones to get in touch with medical control while on scene away from the rig.

    Is there some distinct reasoning that is being given for non use of phones?

  6. I know exactly how you feel, just going through that with my better half. Had to rush her to the hospital via ambulance, but had to learn to "step out of the way" cuz I was too close to think clearly. Our ambulance team did a great job.

    It's so ironic that we can deal with health issues of total strangers, but get tied up in knots when pt is our own family. Or is this just me?

  7. I am not sure I want to consider cheerleading a sport, rather than entertainment. But I definitely believe there needs to be much stricter safety supervision and better coaching. There have been occassions where I attend cheerleading matches (for my grandaughter) and I see some spotters on the matches but I would like to see less throwing of someone in the air and expecting (hoping) to be caught.

    Sometimes I want to run and grab my jumpbag from the car and just standby hoping my services are not needed.

  8. Have to go with the need for a good physical, which would most likely include extensive bloodwork. In my limited experience, it looks like you have done what you can do in the field.

    I am looking to learn from this also.

  9. What has the patient been telling you about the way he feels beyond the passing of Mom? So far We've just mainly heard from the friends.

    The weakness is kinda sorta bothering me. When was his last physical?

    Is he willing to go to hosp for consult?

  10. Congrats to becoming an EMT

    Welcome to the big city, Lots to learn here, from some really great people.

    Take you time with the patient, ask questions, and do no harm.

    If you get driving duty, take your time, and make the turns slowly. Rigs are top heavy and will turn over. Also remember, even though you have lights and sirens, use them very sparingly.

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