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Posts posted by emtdennis

  1. I have found myself counting on the NIBP, until all of a sudden the battery was dead. What a rude awakening!! I had to do bp manually and was tough to do in the back of the rig while rolling.

    Stick to manual every so often, if for nothing else than to keep up the skills or to "check" the NIBP.

    • Like 1
  2. Wish you nothing but the best. Hang in there. Keep in contact here on the boards.

    Became an EMT-B at 60, wish I had done it earlier. Age usually means maturity and it can play in your favor. Just hang in there!! BTW have you spoken with the vollie team at Central Islip about riding during the day?

  3. The story does leave out a couple of things.

    Is Sunstar Ambulance a private or municipal operation?

    What capability does the fire dept have for medical assistance?

    Do they want to take it over entirely or just provide assistance?

    I do agree FFs have more horsepower when it comes to getting stuff from the community, The ambulance companies need to do some more PR work and really toot their own horns.

    I think Janet Long's comment was made in desparation because of the closeness to 9/11. FFs as a brotherhood were hurt in 9/11 but so were EMS/EMTs, Cops and many others. She locks into FFs, becauser that is who she has issue with.

    Just my .02

  4. OK, which one is the "big head"?

    What does Martha Stewart know, fitted sheets can be folded, however it is only under the influence of something very relaxing and not coffee.

  5. "I feel you are completely off base here. I mean we put our lives on the line to ensure your safety and you can't press three buttons on a computer to cut me a break on my meal. I believe no one in the EMS rescue fire or police should EVER have to pay full price anywhere while in uniform."

    Sorry Para, I can't agree with you on this one. I consider my role as an EMT to be vital to our small community but in no way do I think I am entitled to any special bennies.

    Have some local places in town that I go to (sometimes in uniforn), employees will ask me questions based on our work but it's all public relations to me.

    Sometimes they won't charge me for the coffee with my order, but to me that's a welcome perk, not a requirement.

    • Like 2
  6. Dennis, the video. Watching the train go through the market.

    Richard, train watcher? No haha, my interest really goes into boats.

    Video must be blocked (I am at my job), that was why my question. I will have to try at home tonite.

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