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EMT City Sponsor
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Posts posted by emtdennis

  1. Make the damn thing sound more threatening, I just don't know how. Maybe the sound of a locomotive about to climb up someone's rear end would do it.

    People have just gotten so used to sound of a siren, that they just tune it out, especially in metro areas.

    We generally alternate the sounds as we are getting close to an intersection or traffic (depending on the call).

  2. Hi My name Is Michael I am a EMS Student,

    Im now going to the City with historically the best FD in the U.S. and the best school at the Local level for state requisites in My state.

    (which I intend to pass my NREMT exam after Passing and graduate) leaving for NYC

    I choose to go until I become a Paramedic NREMT-P and keep on till Im forced into retirement at a major FD.

    whats up fellow als trauma junkies?


    Welcome to the City, I would love to know the name of this great city of yours. Otherwise I will assume you are talking about New York

  3. Hi Jordan,

    Welcome to the boards.

    Keep your mind open and expect to learn a lot. EMT= A whole new world and it will become what you make it.

    Take some notes, study and most of all practice, practice, practice.

    EMT is a hands on experience!

    Questions, feel free to ask here. List the "city" as one of your favorites in your browser. There is a lot to learn here.

    BTW, what part of the world are you from?

  4. Annakrat,

    First of all welcome to these boards, you could not have come to a better source of discussions and insight from the many posters here.

    To be honest with you, I don't know how to answer your question, but I am sure you will get a response soon from some of the really great folks here.

    Why do you have to be an american citizen to become an EMT-B, or did I misunderstand something there?

  5. I am glad I am an EMT, this way I don't get stuck doing all the clean up work like a paramedic.

    I was totally being sarcastic, basing my comment on the career overview article. No it couldn't have been wriiten by a second grader, they have too much intelligence compared to the writer in that article.

    I also sent a comment to the email address as listed above


    I read the horrific career overview regarding the duties of paramedics as compared to EMTs.

    The writer apparently did not do their homework regarding the duties of each of these positions. The paramedic is not the clean up person for EMTs. The paramedic requires a much higher level of knowledge and duties than that of the EMT.

    As an EMT, I work with many paramedics who can make doctors look bad.

    Please either rewrite or retract the article and print something that looks like some research went into it."

    • Like 2
  6. Sorry, Unless the officer is medically trained, he/she shouldn't be doing any more than ABCs (or however they are changing the initials now).

    Use of a NPA or decompression needle in the wrong hands brings harm to the pt and opens up a can of lawsuit. I can't imagine that someone came up with this idea for a kit.

  7. So what: they caved in to sponsors demands and offered membership to 2 women.

    #1. is the most powerful politicly connected Black woman ,who could have possibly run and won the presidential election against Obama. She was the brains behind 8 yrs of the Dubya administration.

    #2 is an incredibly rich banking CEO with connections to seriously large old money who already belongs to several other exclusive country clubs, and is not likely to cause a fuss or pee in the potted palms.

    Does'nt mean she can't be bold and cop a squat!!!!!

  8. There is a whole lot more at stake if this person is allowed to continue in training.

    Besides putting you at risk, because you know of of this person's condition, other students, patients (in the future) will also be at risk. If there is injury or further damage to a patient, it will come back to you. We do live in a lawsuit happy society.

    As others have posted, this person really needs to step back and get themselves together first.

    I don't think you are overstepping your bounds as an instructor as far as bringing it up to higher authority in the school and hopefully they will act on it. You are looking out for this person, (and the school), maybe by some chance they will take the proactive step in the right direction.

    Sometimes not an easy call..

    Just an opinion, hope all goes well

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