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Everything posted by ShortC

  1. Yes in January, I will start my Basic training and if/when I finish in May, thats when I will take my test and then be a basic EMT.
  2. ShortC


  3. LOL well to be exact, I go to school in Morrisville which is about 30miles from syracuse so im not too far off from canada lol. I am orginally from Newburgh which is much closer to NYC.
  4. ShortC


    I am transferring out of nursing school because I am no longer happy at the school that I have been attending. I was in my second semester, (that would be Nursing 2), my school as 4 levels of nursing. I have always wanted to become a volunteer EMT but just never had the time. So i decided I would change gears a little bit and go to EMT school, gain experience and then later on, return to nursing school.
  5. Hey, I will be starting paramedic school in January(yayyy) lol in upstate NY and I was just wondering if there was anyone who is currently or has worked in New York as a EMT or paramedic? If so could you tell me what the job offers are like and possibly the best places (fire station, police station, etc.) to work. By the end of May, I will be a EMT-basic (hopefull) and was just wondering what I have to look forward to. Thanks so much, Courtney
  6. ShortC


    Thank you very much, luckliy the school that I am taking my EMT-basic classes also has a paramedic program so once Im done with basic training in May(hopefully). I can just jump right into my paramedic degree:D
  7. New to the city, looking for nice people and friendly advice=D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spenac


      Wow you picked the wrong site for either one. ;)

    3. scubanurse


      ignore spenac...we're all usually nice and friendly :) he's just grump :D

    4. ShortC


      lol thanx @kate...im still trying to figure out how this site works. what does it mean when it says reputation under someones name?

  8. Hey just wanted to say that i love your saying at the end=D
  9. ShortC


    Hello Everyone, My name is Courtney. I am new to this site and I will be starting my EMS basic training in the Spring (January). I am currently transferring out of nursing school to start EMS/Paramedic school, does anyone have any advice as to what will help me alone in my new journey? and also are there any supplies or items that I should get before starting school? Thank you:D
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