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Everything posted by Yummymedic05

  1. Blah....gyno...worked for one for 3 years....not my cup 'o tea
  2. I wanted to be a stewardess until I realized I was afraid to fly. I've always wanted to do medical field. Hopefully soon i'll be back in school to become a chemist.
  3. Versed first, Succs, then Norcuron.
  4. I fully agree with letting families watch, and will give them room to do so. The only code I didn't let anyone in on, without saying too much, I knew would be a coroners case. I also have learned that if the family doesn't want to watch you work it, but would like to see their loved one afterwards, it's best not to clean up the room. On our part we feel we are doing good in picking up papers, and whatnots off the floor, covering up the patient, etc. But I have learned when the room is clean families think you did a whole lot of nothing-yet if it looks like a tornado hit the room (which lots seem to do) they thank you for all you've done.
  5. That was extremely amuzing to me!
  6. No alcohol period. Same rule applies in all places I've worked, no alcohol consumption 24 hours prior to work. All the volunteer stations I've had the opportunity to work will GO OUT for parties (i.e. Christmas, birthdays) they do not "find coverage" and drink on the premises. The one and ONLY time I've ever heard of an entire station closing for any period of time and having another department come in for coverage is for a funeral of a coworker. As for the unopened inside a vehicle, if Billy Bob has his cooler of beer and is on his way to go fishing, typically he'd have his cooler closed. Therefore if he stopped by to say goodbye before venturing off, I wouldn't know it's there, unless he told/showed/got one out.
  7. Love that word "snippet"! Good job Rid!
  8. Oxyclean rules! I have seen this infomercial (well I have if it's the one i'm thinking of) and I think it's crap that it says he's worth about $3 billion, but only has to pay a $2 million fine. That's pocket change to him. I think you should sue him since you have a baby on the way and will need more money and stuff.
  9. "Cap'n Hayley Blackbeard"
  10. I am a smoker, yet still productive. While all the fat cows...err...obese employees are grazing....err snacking in the cafe, I am out behind the hospital, in a tinted "cage", smoking. I agree once they ban it, employees will smoke anywhere, all ashtrays have been gotten rid of, therefore there's going to be cigarette butts all over the place. I think it's one thing to be able to control what happens at the workplace, hence making a smoking ban. But attempting to control what happens at home, hence testing for nicotine in the urine.....ridiculous!
  11. I love my sister!
  12. And some are good at it! :shock: I need to take my tourettes medication!
  13. Heck I'm a female and I'M not even that NOSY!
  14. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
  15. Dang I would've went to a wedding reception....free food, drinks.....but instead....well i won't even say what I did....
  16. I think it's extremely sad that it took DustDevil's lectures about English, grammar, spelling, etc for people to think and actually do all the above correctly! Did school teach nothing? Were you never embarrassed from speaking/writing improperly before? Were you ever worried about being embarrassed for said above? I mean super work for trying to impress a man behind a computer, but geez people....
  17. Depends on who's definition of whacker you use. I graduated and was proud of myself, but never working in EMS before, and never being around it in my life, no one told me the rules of buying blue lights and stars of life. I do what I want and don't pay much attention to what others say, so I feel I skipped that chapter in life, but there's still hope for me.
  18. I didn't kiss anything to be on Terri's good side....
  20. Brent has all the good ideas!
  21. Gold chains to go with my whips?
  22. Super idea! Lets involve whips and chains also!
  23. Can't stand the mofo! PS Love you man! :love7:
  24. Anything to help a fellow friend get a star of life sticker....
  25. I was gonna put some smilies here, but they aren't working right now.....my deepest and most sincere apologies to all involved.
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