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Everything posted by Yummymedic05

  1. I love you Spenac :wink:
  2. I call police to pull over vehicles that act like that. I allow no one to ride, and no one to follow.
  3. I think those are the fun ones....they boost my selfesteem. They tell me how gorgeous I am, and that I look like an angel. :drunken:
  4. I sure hope I don't get points taken away in here.
  5. The hysterical whoever is not allowed on my scene/in my ambulance. Period. I have extremely minimal patience, and do not put up with anything. The hysterical patient is easily taken care of :twisted:
  6. Oh Mr. Fatman...it's those same glands that make me wanna stand beside you and push my belly out as far as possible to see how I rate at my worst against you!
  7. =D> I'm glad i'm not the only one who feels this way.
  8. Will Medicaid/Medicare pay for this? "OOOOOOHHHHH HELP ME!!!!!" "But no, don't apply the monitor, O2, access an IV, etc.... "I need to go to the hospital" Why? "I don't know, but I need checked out" :roll: :roll: :roll:
  9. Puke is my downfall also. I try to chew gum on runs where someone is nauseated. Chewing gum helps the smell and I found giving my mouth something other than gagging works. I hold my head out the side window also...fresh air seems to help with nausea when dealing with a puker, plus they seem to like the fresh air also. I also tell patient's puking in the back of an ambulance is against the rules....believe it or not a lot of people will wait until they get to the ER to actually vomit!
  10. I've had patient's with minor abrasions that were crying for pain medication telling me its the worse pain they've been in. I've also had patient's with major trauama like you've described and not giving much mind to the injury/pain at all. I would think it depends on the person. I've broken bones (never my femur knock on wood) and never shed a tear. I have a high pain tolerance to where others do not.
  11. "long story short, he doesn't do well with kids" I would never leave my child with someone who won't do well with them, nor would I date someone like that. Children are important, and working in EMS you see all sorts of crap that happens to children who are left with irresponsible caregivers (if they are giving care at all).
  12. When someone comes into our ER in cervical spinal precautions someone, be it nurse or ER tech, must sit with the patient the ENTIRE time until cleared. When the ER is extremely busy it's hard to "get rid" of one person to just sit....and then they want to complain. Don't worry what that nurse said, and in my opinion she made herself, not you, look bad in front of the family.
  13. I do if it's not a critical "breather". I definitely feel that airway maintenance is more important than a 12 lead on scene.
  14. Its a shame that a government leader is using this as an example for the people.
  15. So you only give great care to EMS providers families?
  16. I don't always feel you can blame 100% of issues on the volunteers. In the county I worked in, the county only had to cover with volunteer BLS units....no ALS HAD to be here, but the hospital ran the ALS units. All the county was volunteer (except for one city that had ALS), and lots of the volunteers didn't answer calls. So sometimes people had to wait 20 minutes for an ambulance. If residents would learn about these issues BEFORE moving into an area some of these issues wouldn't occur in my opinion.
  17. Never heard about the pizza, nice idea! I feel that if someone is awake enough to drink, I'm not going to have them drink D50! From what I gather it doesn't taste very well....
  18. I keep them in my pocket. Never have I lost them being in there either....
  19. Sorry Doc didn't see your reply. Pretty much one attempt, a straight pull outward, and hope you do something. Not any formal training, and was taught the same thing in basic and medic school, then the hospital I am employed at.
  20. When I get extremely irritated with BLS calling for an ALS intercept is when they are 4 blocks from the hospital and the patient decides he's having chest pain/shortness of breath/etc at that moment. Instead of driving the next 2 minutes and coming in, they (meaning BLS ambualnces) stop and call for ALS. That's wasting time and pisses people off! In the county I work in, one specific BLS unit calls for ALS all the dang time! It could be a stubbed toe and they are calling for ALS. They are insecure with their skills, but refuse to learn or get some confidence. This is also the crew that calls for a helicopter for anything. I agree with having the helicopter on its way and canceling rather than having it there too late, but come on! They don't assess, they "freak out" and then call for any level higher than they are. Saying all this, if a BLS unit is not comfy with a certian patient, I would rather them call someone who is comfortable. The #1 is the patient, if the pt sees their caregiver isn't comfy, they will begin to get anxious. EMS should NOT be a damn hobby! If you volunteer you should still keep yourself educated!
  21. We are allowed one attempt.
  22. I like to give patients the choice of IM or IV. For example I had a patient that slid into a base during softball. Obvious ankle/tib/fib. Patient did not want an IV (even though surgery was in order), but I gave the choice of something IM before we moved him. He refused, but after moving him, he wanted an IV with pain meds. People like choices so I let them choose. We carry morphine, 1-10mg at our discretion, and Nubain 5-10mg IM. Nubain is for a morphine allergy and I have yet to utilize this drug.
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