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Everything posted by Yummymedic05

  1. I did like that one! I'll remember that one for the boss lady....
  2. Wow Percocet for a sprained finger....
  3. I typically only go back to check on my patient's while they are in the hospital. I have yet to attend a funeral, but I feel the funeral is for family/friends, so if i were to go i'd only attend the showing.
  4. I myself haven't been pregnant while working in EMS, but have had coworkers who were. They both worked right up until d day. Neither had any issues...the one was put on bed rest due to having pre eclampsia, and from what I gathered she went for infertility and the doctors were expecting this to happen... Neither of them needed light duty or anything, they worked as usual. Needed maternity clothing obviously, and more potty breaks. Hope that little bit helped.
  5. And the 'don't ask don't tell' is enforced! When I went through BCT we had a female with us that just broke down one night. She always told us about her husband and such, they were having problems...the same problems a heterosexual couple would have. But then she told us her "husband" was named "susan" (not really, i dobn't remember the name, but it was a female name.) She no sooner had said that, the next morning someone told, and she got ripped out of the military awfully quickly! I think she was kicked out faster than any injured person that I can remember.... I agree with AK, I could care less who you want to be with, who you find attractive, whatever....just have my back!
  6. I could care less what people want to do with their lives. Gay men are good friends to go shopping with!
  7. I'm more of a people person than I used to be, but it's also made me a cold hearted non caring person at times.... I now think all parents of young children are stupid unless they prove me otherwise. I realize now why people ask me if i'm paid or volunteer, and it's changed me because I have zero tolerance for lack of education. And those are the ones I can think of at the moment....
  8. I take nail polish removal pads for my personal use. They work better than anything you could fine at a drug store!
  9. 4 pens...i need some to write on gloves, throw aways, and i always lose them. my smokes, gum, cell, radio...and chapstick I made a mini standing orders booklet for when I first hired, and since it's always been in my pocket i'd feel funny if i sat down and it didn't jab into my thigh...so i keep it also. Oh and a pony tail holder ( I have long hair that I don't always pull back 24/7 while at work)
  10. Forget the O2 and backboard....ummm...why did she need an "ambulance" rescue for a twisted ankle? Sheesh the crap ppl call ems for.....
  11. Dogs...sheesh! Gotta love the reptiles!
  12. Very nice! Blah...i hate tubing!
  13. You know, I've been busted for speeding just a couple of times *cough cough* And so far my job hasn't ever said anything about it being on my record. Now we did have a fella get busted for DUI a few times and he got fired....kinda....can't say much more in case ppl from work are reading this, but it's nice having the AD be your mother. Dust- they make latex free rubbers....er....i mean gloves....
  14. I enjoyed puking on people that won't back up when told....i'm going to try that one!
  15. :lol:/
  16. Ummm...respect is spelled wrong in the title of this thread. And bugs, especially ants, are disgusting and can go to hell!
  17. :shock: OUCH!!!
  18. I use ambulance, truck, or "step into my office"
  19. Top 10 Reasons To Date A Paramedic. 10) We're used to staying up all night. 9) We're good with multiple partners. 8) We're experts in mouth to mouth. 7) We're the best in rapid clothing removal. 6) We have our own multi-positional bed. 5) We shock the socks off you. 4) We always come when we are called. 3) We are prepared for any rhythm. 2) We're familiar with latex . & the number one reason to date an Paramedic... 1) Anytime, anywhere, any way you need it!!
  20. Terri I know you are a wonderful nurse, but havne't you ever gotten called to a NH while working on an ambulance and had a not so nice experience with another nurse? We have one NH nurse that calls 911 and states its a full arrest, only for us to get there and Ethel stubbed her toe. That nurses laughs and tells us each and every time she does this that it amuses her that we get there so much quicker... Another NH we go to is wonderful, nurses who know what's going on. give awsome reports, help you move the patients, etc. We get called for a fall, upon arrival this patient had been moved into her bed and the nurses were cleaning her up and talking to her. This patient was dead...these nurses had no clue.... Honestly I would rather deal with the worst nursing home nurse than have to deal with our VA 'doctors'!
  21. I agree with the Officer's brother, may he rot in jail! If there is any collection for his daughter's i'd like to be notified.
  22. Indiana has the safe haven laws. Here you can also drop the baby at a church (along with hospitals, fire stations, police stations). They attempt to talk the mother into getting checked out also, who knows where she had this child etc.
  23. FYI there is already a similar thread on this.....
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