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Everything posted by Yummymedic05

  1. I start IVs on peds mainly in the ER or ped floor of the hospital. I've started them for breathers, seizures, dehydration, and had a 13mo with severe anaphylaxis. I'm always the one to start them because it doesn't bother me and I seem to be the best on night shift to do it, so they let me do it. Honestly I've missed 3 that I can think of on peds, that being the first stick. I always get one, just takes longer sometimes. Hmmm....I think I had about 75-90 sticks during school, don't remember exact.
  2. I don't even agree with a doc doing it. That stupid article goes into how the poor inmate from death row might feel some pain if the solutions are not mixed up correctly. WTF?!?!?!?! That 15yo female that was mentioned, the one that was raped and murdered, im sure she did not die a peaceful painfree death-who cares if the a$$hole who did it to her does? Have a monkey do the job, no need for it to be sterile/clean, no need to be proper, the job is to kill someone!
  3. God and I are buddies....
  4. WOW! Completely inappropriate!
  5. LOVE IT! It even shows the fellas....
  6. I don't carry AC, it's not in any of my standing orders, and I have never once seen it given in the hospital I work for. I can't stand puke, but working/volunteering in the medical field since I was 13, and seeing it be given a whopping 3 times that I can think of...I've never seen anyone puke from it.
  7. Don't piss on VS's picnic!
  8. Ummmm.....yeah
  9. I enjoy the whole "You're just a girl" :roll:
  10. I will ask Dr. and get back to you. Other crew got called out for possible OD (MDC630 was on this run..hopefully he's reading and can fill in the details), pt doesn't look so well, having chest pain. Girlfriend stated they'd been doing meth. Blah I'll have MDC post about it.
  11. About 6 weeks ago we had 2 males come in for the same exact thing about 15 min apart. The one's mother brought him in, not responding, got him in, went to intubate and all these fun little patches stuck to the laryngoscope! Not certain if those were mixed with any heroin. He lived that episode and another shift got called to his residence no more than 3 days later, dead on the sofa, with...you guessed it, patches in his mouth. Second fella I don't remember exactly, pretty sure he was talking and what not, but had patches in his mouth. He lived. We flew a guy out, young man, about 16-18. Meth OD, he got a Narcan drip, which depleted our entire hospital Narcan supply....not sure if he died or not.
  12. We have some sensitive sallys' wondering around the city! It's all in good fun, like when the basics bash the medics. Learn to laugh!
  13. I love my FFs! They take great care of me! The only complaint I have is, when you apply the c collar fellas, don't leave the patient!
  14. My drinking started way before EMS. I just like to have fun and drink. I dont use it to drown out problems and whatnot...well not all the time....
  15. My opinion is yes. Now on that same note, i have never ridden a motorcycle, doubt i ever will, heck i've never even sat on one. I've had friends tell me crap like helmets are uncomfy, and they weigh u down, make your neck hurt. But my opinion is yes because i've had to clean up folks that have ridden and wrecked without one on.
  16. If you use your search funtion you will realize that there are 14 threads (including this one), along with 4 polls all about this very topic. That's the point. Use the search and contribute instead of making a new thread.
  17. I work nights (7p-7a), that's my choice. Lots of sleep during the day, dark curtains are wonderful. I don't do the dark sunglasses, I do for the drive home in the bright morning sun, but Im typically sleepy when I get home. I read or get online to relax, then go to bed. I dont' drink caffeine, water does just fine. I can't sleep while I work so I find things to keep me busy or I bring a book to read.
  18. We draw if we feel like it, the lab accepts. IF there is a MVA and the police think there's alcohol involved, they make you draw right then and there with them watching. And we learned what color tubes are for which specific labs, but why not just draw all of them just in case?
  19. :oops: I take all the runs and have my Basic partner drive me for the one simple fact that Im not comfortable driving an ambulance.
  20. I had zero EMS experience when I dropped out of nursing school to go through paramedic school. I did both basic and medic classes accelerated, and never worked in the field, other than clinicals, until I graduated. Not everyone could do that, and I do not reccomend doing that at all.
  21. PARAMEDIC And where I'm at in Indiana, the advanced basics work with a paramedic, they aren't by themselves.
  22. :roll: People seem to be big babies now and will get a papercut or cough too hard and cry until they get pain meds....good grief!
  23. :roll: any convo about rookies being stupid/hated/idiots/worthless.....
  24. I call it a turkey baster LOL and i call the NPA a nasal trumpet
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